My project is titled Kenchanahalli: A journey of 25 years; the summer I interned was the 25th year of the hospital’s existence. The objective was to capture the journey and role taken by hospital in providing care within the social and economic realities of the community. I created an interactive timeline on Prezi and a newsletter/brochure detailing interviews with internal supports, external supporters and donators of the hospital. I primarily used first-hand research.
The history of the hospital was previously unwritten. In order to collect background information I did field research, interviews, looked over annual reports and archives. The experience of first-hand research forced me to grow academically and professionally as I struggled with language barriers and stepping far outside my comfort zone. Kenchanahalli offers many unique opportunities that vary your workday. During my time at Kenchanahalli, aside from working on my project, I was able to: shadow OPD (OBGYN, orthopedics and pediatrics), observe grand rounds at the larger VMH at Sargur (HIV case, Edema and TB), observe a C-section in the OR at VMH at Sargur, assist with health clinics at the SVYM Tribal School, and observe mobile clinics that serve seven tribal communities.
These unique opportunities, offered by the commitment from the staff for us to have the most enriching experience, diversified and enhanced my learning opportunities. The ability of the hospital and staff to enrich my learning experience pushed me to produce the best possible product. My final product is to be used on the website and for donors. In addition it will also be translated into the local language, Kanata.