A sampling of our alumni demonstrates the variety of careers they pursue, the important work they do, and the distinguished positions they achieve:
Charles Dombroski ’80, senior intelligence analyst, National Security Agency
Lynda Doyle Mallow ’85, research analyst, Sceptre Analytics
Ellen Yount ’87, press office director, U.S. Agency for International Development
Christopher Steinmetz ’87, vice president for business development, Rich Products Corporation
Beth Snyder Simpson ’89, marketing leader, U.S. Liability Insurance Group
Marnie Doner Caldwell ’90, manager of marketing services, Reed Manufacturing
Carol St. Clair Chlystek ’90, international trade specialist, Department of Commerce
Barbara Kearney ’92, research assistant, Partners for International Education
JoAnne Neuber ’92, senior program manager, the United States Civilian Research Foundation for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
T. J. Grubisha ’95, foreign service officer, Department of State
Warren Payne ’95, economic analyst, U.S.–International Trade Commission
Rebecca Varathungarajan ’01, local manufacturing coordinator, Yves Rocher
Aysha Rehman ’02, research specialist, National Geographic Society
Hillary Bennett ’06, development officer, World Wildlife Fund
Christine La Rochelle ’10, Catholic Charities Legal Services, Archdiocese of Miami
Alyssa King ’16, sales and catering coordinator, Pyramid Hotel Group