Housing Accommodation Requests

A major part of the college educational experience is for students to learn to live on their own.  Allegheny College provides on-campus housing to enhance intellectual, social, and cultural development through the experience of living with other individuals who bring a variety of social and cultural backgrounds to the community.

Occasionally, a student may feel that he or she needs special consideration in residence hall assignments due to a disability.  When such a situation occurs, the student should contact Student Accessibility and Support Services to discuss the request for special consideration.

Housing accommodations are viewed as part of an active treatment plan. The College requires supporting documentation from an appropriately licensed professional that outlines how a special housing assignment supports your medical needs. Please be aware that a diagnosis of a medical condition in and of itself does not automatically qualify you for a housing accommodation.

Special requests for residence hall assignments should be made as soon as the student has decided to attend or continue at Allegheny College.  Every effort will be made to meet the student’s needs.

New Students:  If you believe you have such a need, you and your treating professional must submit the below Housing Accommodation form for review by June 15th.

Returning Students:  The Housing Accommodation form below needs to be completed by February 15th.

Housing Accommodation Form

Air Conditioner Request Form

Meal Plan Accommodation Request Form

Meal Plan Accommodation Verification Form