Residence Life


Living on Campus

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Residence Life

At Allegheny, we take the phrase “live and learn” to heart…and our four-year residency requirement supports that perspective. Living styles include all-male, all-female, and co-ed residence halls and apartments configured as suites, singles, doubles, triples, and quads.

Special Interest Housing

In addition to Living-Learning Communities, Special Interest Houses are available for a wide variety of student interests. Each has a specific mission and focus. In addition to living among peers with similar passions, each group provides programming to educate the campus community.

Academic CommonsAcademic Commons & Study Rooms

Home to the Allegheny Gateway and the Maytum Learning Commons, the Academic Commons is a space especially designed for student success. From its 350,000 volumes, movable furniture (which makes collaboration easy), and your very own research station, the Academic Commons is a hub for academic support.

Campus Center & Gator Quad

Major campus events, late night snack runs, student government meetings…the CC houses student-run Grounds for Change coffeehouse, WARC radio, the game room, bookstore, and student organization offices.

Wise Sport & Fitness Center

In addition to being home to the Gator athletic team offices, the Wise Center features a suspended track, intramural courts, an aerobic and dance studio, cardiovascular and strength-training equipment, a 25-yard swimming pool, and a diving well. Scuba, anyone?

Residence Life

residence-brooksAllegheny is a residential liberal arts college strongly committed to learning and growth beyond the classroom. Because daily life in these residential communities brings new perspectives to concepts studied in class and otherwise helps to broaden horizons, living on campus is considered an integral part of the Allegheny educational experience.