Funding for Conference Presentations is coordinated through the office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (URSCA).
The Harold M. State Research Fellowship was established in honor of Professor Harold M. State, Emeritus of the Department of Chemistry, by an appreciative student, Harry E. Bonner, Class of 1956. It is awarded annually to third-year (rising senior) students majoring in any one of the natural science departments.
The award may be used to support student summer research and research conducted during the academic year in collaboration with a faculty member. It may also be used for supplies, materials, and other expenses related to the research project. Monies may support travel for the student and his or her faculty member to conduct research or present research findings.
Students, in conjunction with their advisor, send a proposal of their research project to the Chair of the Chemistry Department. The proposal should indicate whether they are receiving funding from other sources (department, faculty grants, etc.), and it should include a budget.
A committee comprised of the science department chairs will consider the research proposals and determine the award recipient(s). The State Fellow will be selected in the spring semester; the award will be formally announced at the annual Honors Convocation. The application deadline is March 1.
The Class of 1939 Senior Research Fund was established by the Class of 1939 on the occasion of its 50th reunion. The income from this fund shall be used to support student research in all departments in conjunction with the senior project.
Student/Faculty Collaborative Research
Student/Faculty Summer Collaborative Research funding offers students and faculty the opportunity to work together on a research project of mutual interest. The Provost and Dean of the College Office coordinates this endeavor.
The project must not be directly related to the student’s senior project, though it can serve as preparation. This funding is not available for independent studies, summer internships, assistantships, or summer employment opportunities. Students interested in obtaining summer employment should contact the Financial Aid Office for a list of positions available during the summer. In order to be eligible for funding, student research must be conducted in collaboration with an Allegheny faculty member and the applicant must be a continuing student in good academic standing. Students must consult with their professor to confirm the specifics of the proposed project, including number of weeks, planned number of hours worked per week, and materials budget, before submitting the application form.
Announcements as well as the link for the application will be posted on My Allegheny in early March each year.