Updated March 21, 2020
The Frederick and Marion Steen Mathematics Scholarship was established in honor of Frederick and Marion Steen by their children.
This prestigious, merit-based scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time student in their junior year who is majoring in the natural sciences at Allegheny College and will partially cover senior year tuition expenses.
According to the terms of the Scholarship, the recipient should demonstrate the following character:
- strong understanding of and skills in the application of the principles of mathematics
- ability to communicate and enthuse others with the beauty of mathematics
- commitment to put mathematics to purpose in a teaching, engineering, or scientific profession.
Applications should be submitted in person to Lori Riggle in Arter 103 Applications should be submitted via email to Professor Weir (rweir@allegheny.edu) and should contain the following:
- A letter of interest that addresses the three criteria listed above, and
- A pdf copy of your Webadvisor transcript
An unofficial Allegheny transcript (a WebAdvisor printout is acceptable).
The deadline for completed applications is Friday April 3, 2020. Applications will be reviewed by the Mathematics department faculty shortly thereafter. Please contact Professor Weir (rweir@allegheny.edu), the Chair of the Mathematics department, if you have questions.