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Gator Hub is coming! The new Allegheny hub for students and employees will offer a number of features and resources. Keep an eye out for the new system this October.

Filed under Archive

WebAdvisor Opening for Schedule Adjustments on Aug. 1

Posted on July 31, 2017 | Filed under Archive

This post has been archived. Information below may be out of date and/or relate to a past event.

WebAdvisor will re-open to Add or Drop unrestricted Fall classes on Tuesday, August 1. At that time, you may register for up to 20 credits without special permission. For courses that require instructor permission (signature courses, closed courses, etc.), please use an Add card, available in the Registrar’s Office on Monday, August 28. WebAdvisor will close for Adds at ​4 p.m. on Friday, August 25. Starting on Monday, August 28, ALL adds will require an Add card. You may continue to drop classes on WebAdvisor until the Add/Drop Deadline at 5 p.m on Monday, September 11. Please contact your advisor or if you have questions.