A sampling of our alumni demonstrates the variety of careers they pursue:
Anthony Grace ’75 (Ph.D., Yale University), professor of behavioral neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh
Richard Saunders ’76 (D. Phil.), senior investigator, National Institute of Mental Health
Karl Richter ’84 (M.S., University of Pittsburgh), senior investigator, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals
Ben Walker ’91 (Ph.D., University of Virginia), Professor of pharmacology at Georgetown University
Paul Miller ’92 (M.S., Rutgers University), 1993 Research Associate II, Amgen
Renee Wright ’93, Primary research technician on 5-year project (“Organ transplantation: the facilitating cell in tolerance induction”), Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Harvard University.
Matthew DeJohn ’95 (M.D. University of Michigan Medical School), Psychiatrist in Erie, PA
Heather Rose ’98, (Ph.D. University of California, Irvine) Instructor of Biomedical Sciences at Santa Barbara City College