The History of the Bywater Family Fund
In 2008, Professors Bill Bywater and Eric Boynton began the development of a regular series of conferences in which students at Allegheny and from other colleges and universities attend lectures by prominent thinkers on issues of social justice and present their own work to those same thinkers. The conferences, originally supported by Allegheny’s William Beazell Memorial Fund, received an ongoing endowment for funding in 2012 from the Bywater Family Fund for Social Justice Programming.

Fall 2022 Visiting Scholar George Yancy
George Yancy is a prolific public intellectual and a prominent theorist of philosophy of race: a regular contributor to and interviewer for the New York Times Opinions, and author or editor of more than a dozen academic books focused upon the study of race and whiteness, and critical phenomenology and embodiment. He is among the most prominent scholars reflecting upon the Black experience in America.
Professor George Yancy was present on campus each Monday of the semester to engage in discussions, course visits and other aspects of campus life. Informed by the weekly visits, he presented a series of three evening lectures during the course of the term that reflected on his work and its relation to possibilities for education and student experience at Allegheny College.

The Year of Voting Rights and Democratic Participation Conference
April 10-11, 2015 – Allegheny College, Meadville, PA
Allegheny College hosted a two-day undergraduate conference on the history and current changes to the Voting Rights Act. This event brought five nationally recognized scholars and activists together with students to investigate this timely and important issues for the health of our democracy.
Democracy Realized?:
The Legacies of the Civil Rights Movement Conference

March 28-29, 2014 – Allegheny College, Meadville, PA
Allegheny College will host a two-day undergraduate conference on March 28-29, 2014 on the legacies of the Civil Rights Movement. This event will bring five nationally recognized scholars and activists together with students to investigate the pasts, presents and futures of civil rights. Follow the link for more information.
Sustainability Conference

March 30-31, 2012 – Allegheny College, Meadville, PA
“This event will bring together four eminent researchers, Allegheny students and faculty concerned with investigating the complexities of sustainability in a world becoming ever more interconnected while riven by disagreement about our responsibilities to one another.”
For more, see the conference web site.
Global Citizenship:An Academic Conference on the Nature of Citizenship in a Global World

March 11-12, 2011 – Allegheny College, Meadville, PA
This event brought together four eminent philosophers and students concerned with investigating the future of citizenship, in a word becoming ever more connected yet racked by strive and inequity. The event consists of two main components: four keynote presentations on Friday, March 11th, and an undergraduate conference on Saturday, March 12th. Keynote presenters will also attend the undergraduate paper and panel sessions.
Keynote Speakers:
- J. Baird Callicott, University of North Texas
- Noëlle McAfee, George Mason University
- Ladelle McWhorter, University of Richmond
- Eduardo Mendieta, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Conference coordinators: Eric Boynton and Bill Bywater, Allegheny College
Examining Whiteness: An Academic Conference on White Privilege and Racism in America

April 4-5, 2008 – Allegheny College, Meadville, PA
In concert with the visit of keynote speakers, students from regional colleges and universities will present their work on the theme of whiteness. The conference will culminate on Saturday evening with a banquet, during which the four scholars will lead a roundtable discussion of the issues raised at the conference.
Keynote Speakers:
- Linda Martín Alcoff, Syracuse University: “Can Whites Be Part of the Rainbow?”
- Charles Mills, Northwestern University: “White Ignorance”
- Lucius Outlaw, Vanderbilt University: “Considerations Toward the Rehabilitation of Whiteness”
- Shannon Sullivan, Pennsylvania State University: “Whiteness as Wise Provincialism: Toward the Rehabilitation of a Racial Category”
Conference coordinators: Eric Boynton and Bill Bywater, Allegheny College