We are excited to announce the 2019 Women in Physics (WiP) Conference at Allegheny College! This is the 2nd regional WiP conference to be held at Allegheny. The goal of the conference is to encourage and support women to continue in physics. This conference will provide women with featured talks by prominent female physicists, the opportunity to present their own research, a workshop on negotiation and communication skills, and panels on careers in physics and women in STEM. Those in attendance will also have the opportunity to network with other fellow physicists as well as many leaders in academia and industry in an environment where all can share their experiences, advice, and ideas.
With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), WiP @ Allegheny is excited to offer a seminar on negotiation and communication skills for women! The American Physical Society (APS) has trained women in physics to host professional skills seminars for students and postdocs. Professional Skills Development Seminars are highly interactive workshops where participants will learn how to:
- Negotiate a graduate, postdoc, or professional position in academia, industry, or at a national lab
- Interact positively on teams and with a mentor or advisor
- Think tactically
- Enhance personal presence
- Develop alliances
- Achieve professional goals
This seminar will be held on Saturday, November 9th, from 1 to 3 pm. If you would like to attend, please register for WiP @ Allegheny, making sure to indicate that you will only be attending the seminar, rather than the full-day conference. We hope to see you there!
Register for WiP@ACRegistration is free and is due Thursday, October 31st.
Participation in the poster session must be funded by home institution.
Sponsored in part by the Barbara Lotze Endowed Lectureship Fund