For office hours and information, click on a faculty member’s name below.
Department Chairs
Lauren French
Associate Professor
Neuroscience Coordinator
Lauren Paulson
Associate Professor
Department Chair, Psychology
Full-time Faculty
Sufana Chowdhury
Academic Building Coordinator
Melody Hingl
Academic Support, Animal Care Technician
Certified Veterinary Technician Licensed in Pennsylvania
Professor Emeritus
- David Anderson, B.A., Fresno State College; M.A., Ph.D., Washington State University. Research interests: problem-solving; computer-psychology interface; philosophy of science; history of psychology.
- Jeffrey Cross, B.A., Allegheny College; M.A., Ph.D., West Virginia University. Autism; animal models of developmental and degenerative disease; neural correlates of learning and abnormal behavior.
- J. Alexander (Alec) Dale, B.A., Waterloo Lutheran University, 1966; M.A., University of Waterloo, 1969; Ph.D., 1971. Assistant Professor, 1970-77; Associate Professor, 1977-84, Health Professions Advisor, 1976-88; Professor, 1984-2007.
- William DeLamarter, B.A., Oakland University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts. Gender differences in social power, justice, attitudes; psychology and law.
- Deborah Dickey, B.A., Pennsylvania State University; M.S., University of Pittsburgh.
- Elizabeth Weiss Ozorak, B.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University. Research Interests: Positive psychology, Community and local food/slow food, Community activism & Late bloomers.
- Patricia Rutledge, B.A., Murray State; M.A., Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis. College student alcohol use and abuse; thought suppression.
- Joshua Searle-White, B.A., Russian Language and Literature, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH. Phi Beta Kappa. M.A., Clinical Psychology, Clark University, Worcester, MA. Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Clark University, Worcester, MA. Foundation Course in Psychoanalytic Group Therapy, The Tavistock Clinic, London, UK. 1988-89. Russian Language Program, Leningrad State University, Leningrad, USSR. Fall 1980. Norwich University Russian School, Northfield, VT. Summer 1979.
Faculty Publications
- A Survey of Potential Jurors’ Perception of Interrogations and Confessions (Psychology, Public Policy, and Law)
- The Effects of NPS on Ethanol Drinking and Other Related Behaviors in Alcohol Preferring and Non-Preferring Rats (Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research)
- Finding a Place: Increasing the Visibility and Voices of Academics from Lower Socio-Economic (SES) Backgrounds (American Psychological Association)
- Mental Health Literacy of OCD and OCPD in a Rural Area (Journal of Counseling Research and Practice)
- Amplifying Community Voices in Rural Community Service-Learning Partnerships (Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement)
- Emotionally Charged News in the Classroom (American Psychological Association)
- Practicing power: Empowerment activities within the classroom. In M. Fortner & I. Katzarska-Miller (Eds.) Empowering students as change agents in psychology courses (pp. 39–51). (Society for the Teaching of Psychology)
- False Confessions Predict a Delay Between Release from Incarceration and Official Exoneration (Law and Human Behavior)
- Structure of Inequity: Teaching Privilege and Oppression with a Tower Building Activity. (Society for the Teaching of Psychology)
- Can Affect Disengagement Produce Moral Standard Violation? (Self and Identity)
- Impact of Community Service Learning in a Rural Community on Undergraduate Students.(IJRSLCE)
- Concerns and Recommendations Regarding the Training of School Administrators in Interrogating Students (Psychology, Crime & Law)
- Cognitive Approaches to Religion. Handbook of the Psychology of Religion, R. Paloutzian & C. Park (Eds.)
- 21st Birthday drinking: Extremely Extreme (The Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology)
- Premeditated Aggression is Associated with Serum Cholesterol in Abstinent Drug and Alcohol Dependent Men (Psychiatry Research)
- Phonological Facilitation Through Translation in a Bilingual Picture-Naming Task (Bilingualism: Language & Cognition)
- The Five-Factor Model of Personality in South African College Students (American Behavioral Scientist)
- Dopamine Neurons Report an Error in the Temporal Prediction of Reward During Learning (Nature: Neuroscience)