Projects in German
Die Suche nach Individualität in den Leben der Protagonisten Volker Brauns Unvollendete Geschichte
Stephen Green
Major: German
Project Advisor: Prof. Peter Ensberg
Unvollendete Geschichte by Volker Braun is a novel set in socialist Germany post World War Two. In the text Volker Braun, or rather the narrator, details the life of the main character, Karin, as well as her interactions with other significant characters of the story; those being, primarily, her family and boyfriend. The novel was only published once in East Germany due to the fact that it was, rightfully, interpreted as being critical of many facets of East German society. The purpose of my comp was to analyze this text as a piece of literature, keeping a healthy distance from the myriad political interpretations with which most academic papers on the subject are preoccupied. I read essays on the various ways in which a narrator’s influence and presence in a text can manifest, and used what I learned to explain exactly that in Unvollendete Geschichte. Beyond that, I interpreted the symbolism, dialogue, other literary tools used by the narrator to convey the nuances of this text, such as internal changes, emotions, and the atmosphere of certain social/societal settings. Lastly, I briefly analyzed the political and social conditions of East Germany at this time to give the story context.
Projects in Spanish
Mujeres en el narcotráfico: desafían estereotipos y el machismo
Nancy Navarrete
Major: Spanish
Project Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Barbara Riess
El narcotráfico no solo se ha encargado de crear organizaciones criminales que se han encargado de reclutar a la mayoría de la población mexicana sino también tuvo y sigue teniendo un impacto en la cultura. El género que domino el negocio ilícito fue el masculino un fenómeno nada sorprendente en un país tan machista como México. El machismo es la costumbre de exagerar la masculinidad de los hombres al someter todo lo relacionado con la feminidad bajo su mando. Por décadas la mujer fue obligada por la sociedad a someterse al hombre y cuidar de las tareas del hogar. La mujer bajo el machismo es tratada como un simple objeto cuya única obligación es satisfacer al género masculino. Sin embargo el narcotráfico se está encargando de deshacerse de las costumbre machistas y de cambiar el papel de género femenino. El negocio se ha encargado de cambiar los papeles tradicionales de los géneros y está alentando a la mujer a entrar y competir en un negocio “hecho solo para hombres”. El narcotráfico está cambiando a la mujer sumisa y frágil a una que es violenta y no se encoge ante la sangre ajena. Las mujeres están logrando sobresalir en un negocio únicamente dominado por los hombres y están cambiando a los estereotipos que rodean a su género. La mujer ha llegado a cometer los crímenes más sangrientos en la historia que incluyen pero se limitan a la decapitación y la tortura. Esta tesina se enfocará en el papel que la mujer está logrando desarrollar en un negocio dominado únicamente por los hombres y sobre el impacto que tiene en la cultura mexicana. La mujer está demostrando que ellas también pueden ser igual de violentas que los hombres y a la hora de matar no se encogen. La tesina es tará dividida en tres partes que se enfocaran en el desarrollo de la mujer en el narcotráfico, su ascenso como líder y sobre el impacto que tienen con los medios de comunicación y la cultura. La mujer ya no será la que cuida del marido y del hogar, ahora será la que infringe la ley y no deja que ningún hombre la someta. La tesis se encargará de presentar una investigación que podrá ser ampliada por las generaciones venideras.
Rebelión, unidad, y acción política: un análisis de la representación de los indígenas en Bolivia de 1952 a 2014
Courtnie Nolan
Major: Spanish
Project Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Barbara Riess
As a historically oppressed group, Bolivia’s indigenous population has made enormous strides through their unity. Their struggles not only lie within the treatment of the Bolivian government, but also the neoliberal policies of the United States. The United States assumed a large role in Bolivia’s policies by privatizing natural resources and promoting the desire to eradicate coca. The indigenous struggle is complex because it is both a struggle against their government and a struggle against the agenda of the United States. Over past 62 years, the indigenous united from small groups to larger and more mobile groups. The indigenous also gained increasing mobility through the desire of leftist political parties to integrate indigenous values and demands into their political agenda. Through years of collective struggle and their desire to unify against their oppressors, the indigenous party Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS ) won the his toric election in 2005 with the Aymaran candidate, Evo Morales. In order to examine this progress, I selected cultural representations that tell stories of indigenous tensions over the years. I selected the film Yawar Mallku which represents indigenous solidarity in the form of rebellion and violence during the 1960’s. The Housewives Committee leader Domitlia Barrio’s testimony Si me permiten hablar shows the unity of the indigenous and working class during the 1970’s. And finally, the documentary Cocalero reveals the political empowerment of the indigenous by its depiction the 2005 election.
Agritourism: A model for sustainable development in Mexico
Sharon Zavala
Majors: Environmental Science, Spanish
Project Advisors: Elizabeth Olson (Env. Sci.), Barbara Riess (Span.)
Mexico has turned increasingly to alternative options in an effort to build an economy without sacrificing the country’s natural resources. Agritourism has been one of these alternative options that is slowly starting to gain popularity all over Mexico. This study examines how agritourism could be a model to achieving sustainable development. By comparing criteria for true agritourism destinations in Mexico, the successes and failures of sustainable development are shown based on three case studies. Overall, this study shows that agritourism is an important aspect of the current environmental movement and provides many benefits to the host country and the local populations. However, there are still some aspects that need further improvement especially in the participation of local populations.