Faculty & Staff


Matt Betush
Assistant Professor
Headshot of Tim Chapp
Tim Chapp
Associate Professor
headshot of Professor Ivy Garcia
Ivelitza Garcia
Associate Professor
Headshot of Bradley Hersh
Brad Hersh
Associate Professor
Headshot of Tricia Humphreys
Tricia Humphreys
Schwartz Professor of Life Sciences
Biochemestry Coordinator
Headshot of Mahita Kadmiel
Mahita Kadmiel
Assistant Professor
Headshot of Lauren Kueffer
Lauren Kueffer
Assistant Professor
Headshot of Margaret Nelson
Margaret Nelson
Associate Professor
Headshot of Phillip Persichini
P.J. Persichini
Associate Professor

Selected Faculty Publications

  • “Genetic evidence for auxin involvement in arbuscular mycorrhiza initiation,” published in New Phytologist
  • “A comprehensive study of the formation and reaction of a tethered N-hydroxysulfosuccinimidyl ester utilized to covalently tether proteins to surfaces,” published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry
  • “Differential RNA-dependent ATPase activities of four rRNA processing yeast DEAD-box proteins,” published in Biochemistry
  • “The UBX-regulated network in the haltere imaginal disc of D. melanogaster,” published in Developmental Biology
  • “Rapid divergence of two classes of Haemophilus ducreyi,” published in The Journal of Bacteriology
  • “Sequences in intron 51 of the von Willibrand Factor gene target promoter activation to a subset of lung endothelial cells in transgenic mice,” published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry
  • “Spectroscopic characterization and assignment of reduction potential in the tetraheme cytochrome c554 from Nitrosomonas Euorpaea,” published in Journal of the American Chemical Society
  • “Thermodynamic analysis of 5′ and 3′ single and 3′ double-nucleotide overhangs neighboring wobble terminal base pairs,” published in Nucleic Acids Research

Faculty Achievements

  • Recipient of a National Science Foundation grant ($174,000) to fund faculty-student research for four years to investigate how different structural elements within DEAD-box proteins can regulate the activity and initial structural state of a protein model.
  • Recipient of a National Science Foundation Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science grant (over $240,000) to fund a project (including student internships) focused on innovative pedagogies for organic chemistry laboratories.
  • Collaborator, with a University of Pittsburgh faculty member, on a National Institutes of Health grant; includes close to $100,000 in support of Allegheny-based faculty-student research work on the evolutionary origins of a gene network regulating Drosophila morphology.
  • Two program faculty served as mentors to Beckman Scholars as part of a $77,200 grant from the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation in support of student-faculty research extending across two summers and the intervening academic year.
  • Program faculty were recipients of the Merck/AAAS Grant for Interdisciplinary Work in Biochemistry ($60,000) to fund the development of an interdisciplinary junior seminar and provide stipends for summer research students.
  • Recipient of National Science Foundation CAREER grant (nearly $280,000) to fund equipment and supplies, stipends for summer research students, and course development focused on integration of research and teaching.
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture grant ($75,000) given to study the role of plant hormones in symbiosis between plants and fungi.
  • Recipient of five successive National Science Foundation RUI grants (current one for nearly $230,000) to fund collaborative student-faculty research on RNA structure.
  • Fogarty Senior International Fellow at CNRS in Strasbourg, France.
  • Fulbright Teacher/Scholar Award for work at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz, Austria.
  • Three program faculty have been the recipient of Allegheny’s Thoburn Award for Excellence in Teaching; Three have received funding via Allegheny’s Demmler Award Program to support innovations in teaching.