The Meadville area is at times subjected to severe weather, including tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, ice storms, and severe snowstorms. Warnings and watches for tornadoes are given over area radio and television. A watch indicates that conditions are favorable for the development of a tornado. A warning indicates that a tornado is imminent.
In addition, tornado warnings are indicated by the activation of the Civil Defense air raid siren. This siren will sound steadily for one minute in a repetition of three when a tornado warning is issued. The sirens will be sounded repeatedly during the warning. An ALERTAllegheny (e2campus alert) will be initiated and campus sirens will also sound to ensure that community members are aware that an emergency exists.
If A Tornado Warning Is Issued
If you are indoors:
- Inform others of the warning.
- Take shelter in a basement or in an interior hallway. Follow the tornado warning signs to a safe area. Sit beneath a desk or heavy table. If none is available, sit facing the wall with your head between your knees and your hands covering the back of your head. Stay away from open areas such as auditoriums and lecture halls unless designated as a “Safe Area”.
- When inside, go to the lowest level of the building. Avoid windows, doors and areas with large roof spans.
If you are outdoors:
- If you cannot reach shelter in a building, lay at in a ditch or depression. Lay face down and cover your nose and mouth with a cloth.
- If you are in a car, drive away from the tornado at a right angle. If you cannot escape, take shelter as described above.
Other Severe Weather
The President or their designee will make the decision to curtail or cease College operations in severe weather.