You Will Gain…
- An enhanced understanding—from scientific, social, and humanities perspectives—of the environment and current environmental issues.
- Experience in solving actual environmental problems.
- The ability to use modern research methods to explain observations about the natural world and about societies.
- A network of alumni in government, industry, and the academic world linking students to jobs and graduate programs.
Because this program is interdivisional, students who major in Environmental Science and Sustainability may complete any minor to satisfy the college requirement that the major and minor be in different divisions. When appropriate, other courses – for example, new courses or those taken during study away – may be substituted for the section III requirement. All substitutions must be approved by the major advisor, and students are strongly encouraged to discuss any potential course substitutions prior to enrolling in the course.
The Environmental Science major requires 60 credits as follows:
I. Introductory Courses
Take the following two courses (8 credits):
ENVSC 110 - Introduction to Environmental Science
FSENV 201 - Environmental Problem Analysis
II. Quantitative Skills:
Take one course from the following list (4 credits):
BIO 385 - Biostatistics
CMPSC 301 - Data Analytics
ECON 202 - Economic Statistics
ENVSC 285 - Quantitative Sustainability
INTDS 325 - Learn to See: Lean Six Sigma
MATH 140 - Calculus I with Precalculus, Part 1
MATH 141 - Calculus I with Precalculus, Part 2
MATH 151 - Calculus I
MATH 152 - Calculus II
POLSC 489 - Statistics and Data Analysis
PSYCH 207 - Statistical Methods in Psychology
III. Human and Cultural Connections:
Take one course from the following list (4 credits):
COMRT 256 - Power, Politics, and Communication
COMRT 279 - Community-Based Media: Creative Citizenry Through the Use of Video
COMRT 360 - Rhetoric and Civic Engagement
COMRT 376 - Media Consumption
COMRT 460 - Media and Cultural Politics
COMJ 270 - Power, Society, and Social Change
COMJ 460 - Community Organizing and Civic Professionalism
ECON 231 - Environmental Economics and Policy
ECON 421 - Strategic Environmental Management
ENGL 209 - Literature About the Environment
ENVSC 250 - Environmental Education
ENVSC 352 - Environmental Justice
RELST 360 - Religion and Ecology
ENVSC 365 - How Green is Green? German Environmentalisms OR
GERMN 365 - How Green is Green? German Environmentalisms
ENVSC 372 - Judaism, Justice, and Food OR
RELST 372 - Judaism, Justice, and Food
ENVSC 380 - Climate and Energy Policy OR
POLSC 322 - Climate and Energy Policy
GHS 324 - Environmental Health
GHS 425 - Global Health Transitions
HIST 341 - American Environmental History
INTDS 250 - Animals, Culture & Society
PSYCH 152 - Behavioral Psychology
PSYCH 162 - Human Social Behavior
PSYCH 375 - Community Psychology
RELST 341 - Jewish Ethics
IV. Collaborative and Capstone Projects:
Take the following four courses (16 credits):
ENVSC 210 - Environmental Research Methods
ENVSC 585 - Junior Seminar: Sustainable Development
ENVSC 600 - Senior Project I
ENVSC 610 - Senior Project II
V. Systems Integration and Advanced Analysis Concentration:
Select seven additional courses (28 total credits) that are relevant to Environmental Science and Sustainability and that prepare students in a self-designed concentration. At least four of the seven courses must be advanced (300- or 400-level), and at least one of these courses must have an ENVSC course number. Courses must be selected in consultation with a faculty member in Environmental Science and Sustainability by the end of the sophomore year. For most students, this selection process will occur during enrollment in ENVSC 210. Students may change course selection during their tenure at Allegheny, however, the student's major advisor must approve all schedule changes.
VI. Learning Experience:
Students are strongly encouraged to complete at least one off-campus learning experience (e.g. EL seminar, semester away program, and research or internship experience) that relates to their Systems Integration and Advanced Analysis Concentration. Learning experiences may be credit bearing or non-credit bearing. Students should consult their major advisor when selecting and arranging learning experiences.
Academic Bulletin
Visit the Academic Bulletinfor information on all majors, minors, and other programs at Allegheny college.Related Programs
- Environmental Writing
- Environmental Geology
- Energy and Society
- Art and the Environment
- Community and Justice Studies
- Global Health Studies
- Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Graduation Requirements
The minimum GPA for a student to graduate with a major in Environmental Science and Sustainability is 2.0. All courses required for the Environmental Science and Sustainability major (including Allegheny off-campus courses for which a letter grade is posted on the Allegheny transcript) are counted in the calculation whether they are Environmental Science courses or courses listed outside the department. Courses required by the major are expected to be taken on a letter-grade basis. Exceptions must be approved by an Environmental Science department advisor.