Shawn |
Amy |
The Effects of Calcium Oxalate on Near-Tree Soil pH and Buffering Capacity |
1991 |
fungi, oxalic acid, nutrient cycling, calcium oxalate, soil pH |
Eric Pallant |
Jason |
Bablak |
Biouptake of Trichloroethylene in Lumbricus terrestris |
1989 |
trichloroethylene |
Eric Pallant |
Jennifer |
Archacki |
The Inadequacies of Federal Legislation: the Toxic Chemical Dilemma |
1987 |
toxic, chemicals, epa, regulation, toxic substance control act of 1976, tsca |
David |
Baumgarten |
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Beverage Container Recycling Study: An Assessment of the Status of Beverage Container Recycling for Proper Policy Implementation in New Jersey |
1989 |
new jersey, recycling |
Kristin |
Buhn |
The Importance of Snags, Riffles, and Pools to Aquatic Invertebrates in Cussewago Creek |
1991 |
cussewago creek, stream ecology |
Marie |
Brill |
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris): The Effect of Tree Age on Soil pH |
1989 |
soil, pH |
Tanya |
Boyle |
The Impact of Organic Matter and Nitrogen Additions on Nitrogen-Fixation in the Rhizophere of a Constructed Salt Marsh |
1991 |
salt marsh, nitrogen, wetland |
Douglas |
Blue |
Federal Facility Non-Compliance with Environmental Law: An Administrative Proposal |
1990 |
epa |
Karen |
Brody |
Water Pollution Due to Salt Storage |
1982 |
hartstown, groundwater, ground water, chloride, contamination |
Dawn |
Capela |
Assessment of Lead Uptake by Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) in Lead-Contaminated Soil |
1987 |
earthworms, lead, soil |
James |
Cessna |
An Analysis of the Solid Waste Disposal System in Crawford County, Pennsylvania |
1988 |
solid waste |
Robin |
Clark |
A Comparison of the Kick Screen and the D-Frame Net for Sampling Macroinvertebrates in Water Quality Surveys |
1985 |
macroinvertebrate, water quality |
Sean |
Clayton |
A Study of the Valuation of Environmental Activities as Expressed by Citizens of Nutter Fort, Harrison Coungy, West Virginia |
1990 |
commodities, policy |
Brian |
Currie |
An Environmental and Political Evaluation of Legislation in the 100th Congress Dealing with Great Lakes High Water Levels |
1988 |
great lakes, flooding, legislation |
Melissa |
Davidson |
Paper Recycling in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: An Overview |
1989 |
Recycling |
Kirstin |
Dolan |
An Evaluation of the Site Features and Operating Procedures of the River Road Sanitary Landfill in Mercer County, Pennsylvania |
1986 |
landfill, solid waste |
Andrew |
Drake |
Capillary Rise of Chromium in Alden and Cambridge Silt Loams |
1987 |
chromium, silt loam |
James |
Drake |
Acidification and the Benthic Invertebrates of High Altitude Ponds in the Colorado Rockies |
1989 |
acid rain, salamanders, invertebrates |
Kristin |
Egers |
An Analysis of the Geochemical Interactions between K, Cu, Ca, Cr, and Fe Cations and Bentonite Clay in a Soil-Bentonite Slurry |
1991 |
soil, water quality |
John |
Ellermeyer |
A Hydrogeologic Study of the Middle Reach of Ben’s Run |
1990 |
stream ecology |
Edmund |
Endler |
The Environmental and Economic Impact of Wastewater Treatment Facilities Required by the Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, on Lake Erie, Presque Isle State Park, and the City of Erie, PA |
1989 |
wastewater treatment facility, pollution control, water quality |
Carlos |
Escalante |
The Effect of the Carbamate, Larvin, on the Survival and Growth of the Xanthid Mud-Crab, Rhithropanopeus harrisii |
1991 |
larvin, pesticides, agriculture |
John |
Elstner |
Evaluation of Ground Water Pollution Potential Near Meadville, Pennsylvania, Using DRASTIC |
1988 |
groundwater, ground water, contamination, pollution, DRASTIC |
Matthew |
Farley |
Has Unleaded Gasoline Made a Difference? An Analysis of Roadside Soils for Lead |
1990 |
soil, emissions, automobiles |
Eric Pallant |
Emily |
Foht |
An Environmental Awareness/Concern of the Allegheny College Campus |
1991 |
awareness, surveys |
Kimberly |
Fincher |
Land Use Study of Cussewago Creek Valley for Designation as Pastoral Scenic Waterway |
1990 |
waterways, cussewago creek, land use |
Scott Wissinger |
A. Scott |
Foley |
A Practical Guide to Residential Heat Conservation in the Tri-State Area of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio |
1985 |
energy, energy crisis |
Richard |
Frey |
The Importance of Habitat Quantity on Waterfowl at the Erie National Wildlife Refuge and the Pymatuning Wildlife Management Area Crawford County, PA |
1991 |
habitat, waterfowl populations |
Rich Bowden |
Robert |
Frey |
Investigation into the Differences between Wetland Protection and Wetland Construction: Which Is Better Suited for Crawford County, PA |
1991 |
wetland regulations, mitigation |
Rich Bowden |
David |
Gallogly |
Assessment of the “Superfund” legislation and its application to two hazardous waste sites in western Pennsylvania |
1985 |
superfund, solid waste, hazardous waste, brownfields |
Sam Harrison |
Katherine |
Gannon |
Ecofeminist Theory: Alternative Solutions to the Global Population Problem |
1991 |
population control, contraceptives, women’s studies |
Eric Pallant |
Michael |
Gollub |
The Affects of pH on Caddisfly (Trichoptera: phryganeidae) Case Building for Possible Implementation Into a Continuous Monitoring System |
1991 |
caddisfly, pH, acid rain |
Jim Palmer |
Stephen |
Gould |
Home Insulation: An Evaluation of an Alternative to Depositing Non-Biodegradable Styrofoam Containers in Landfill Sites |
1989 |
biodegradable, styrofoam, landfill, |
Sam Harrison |
Derek |
Gregory |
Nonrenewable Energy Dependence in the United States Agricultural Sector, Population Growth and the Classical Economists’ Prophecy |
1988 |
population control, malnutrition |
Ahmad Afrasiabi |
Jennifer |
Hall |
Brazil: The Roots of Deforestation |
1990 |
deforestation, rain forests |
Gretchen |
Herron |
Ecological Barriers to Tropical Reforestation |
1991 |
tropical reforestation, deforestation |
Gwen |
Herron |
The Economic Feasibility of Small Scale Wind Power in Northwestern Pennsylvania |
1986 |
wind power, energy, windmills |
Gigi Berardi |
Mary |
Huston |
Legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America: Air Pollution, Acid Rain, and Forest Decline |
1991 |
legislation, air pollution, acid rain, forests |
Lawrence |
Jacobs |
Fine Root Dynamics in a Norway Spruce Stand |
1990 |
soils |
Farrokh |
Jahandari |
The influence of pH (of water) on uptake of heavy metals by rye (Secale cereale) |
1987 |
acid rain |
Scott Wissinger |
Mark |
Johnson |
208 Planning as a Means to Control Ground Watter Pollution: A Perceived Failure with a Bright Future |
1986 |
water quality |
Bob Seddig |
Raymond |
Johnson |
Hydraulic Conductivity Testing of Bentonite and Soil-Bentonite Mixtures with Na, Ca, Mn, Cu, Cr, and Fe Cations |
1990 |
soils, bentonite |
Eric Pallant |
Amy |
Kay |
Evaluation of Possible Sites for an Environmental Education Learning Center in Meadville with Suggestions for the Development of a Master Plan |
1986 |
environmental education |
Sam Harrison |
Jennifer |
Keenan |
Time for a change: Organic farming in Pennsylvania |
1991 |
organic farming, agriculture |
Jim Palmer |
John |
Kirk |
An Investigation of the Biodegradability of Cornstarch-Based Plastics |
1991 |
biodegradable plastics |
Mark Lord |
Raymond |
Kovacs |
The Determination of Mercury in Sediment Cores, Fields Brook, Ashtabula, Ohio |
1987 |
mercury contamination |
Kimberly |
Kroehle |
An Assessment of Public Concerns Involving the Proposed Erie Waste-to-Energy Plant |
1987 |
waste, landfills |
Deborah |
Kuempel |
Water Stress and the Accumulation of Nitrates in the Leaves of Vegetable Amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor) |
1987 |
nitrates, agriculture, drought |
Sam Harrison |
James |
Landmeyer |
Laboratory Study of Trichloroethylene Adsorption onto High Amounts of Soil Organic Matter in the Unsaturated Zone |
1989 |
soils |
Robert |
Lee |
An Analysis of Land and Management in the Allegheny National Forest |
1987 |
forests, allegheny national forest |
Maureen |
Leech |
The Effects of Soil pH on Calcium Content and the Correlation between Natural Acidity and Acid Rain |
1989 |
soils, acid rain, calcium |
Kyle |
Lengauer |
Investigation into the Change of Stream Morphology in Woodcock Creek, Crawford County, Pennsylvania |
1990 |
stream morphology |
Lori |
Lesney |
An Assessment of Groundwater Quality Beneath the Skeet and Trap Fields at the Meadville Sportsmen’s Club, Meadville, Pennsylvania |
1988 |
groundwater, water quality |
Sam Harrison |
Michael |
Lichte |
Effects of Acidified Water on Drift in Agnetina capitata Including 24 Hour Post Mortality Studies |
1986 |
drift |
Paul Kotila |
Amy |
Lowing |
Agricultural Preservation in Lancaster County, PA: Its Placement on the Agenda in the 1980’s, Who and What Put It There |
1989 |
sustainable development |
Eric Pallant |
Lisa |
Mack |
Pesticides in Children’s Food: An Attempt at Risk Assessment |
1990 |
Pesticides |
Diane Kamola |
Khushwant |
Mander |
The Distribution of Phosphorus Species in Lake Sediment Cores as a Tool for Paleolimnological Reconstruction |
1991 |
Milt Ostrofsky |
Paulette |
Mangarella |
Structural Change in the US Economy: a Perspective on Industrial Air Pollution Output, 1970 to 1982 |
1985 |
air quality, air pollution |
Stephen Casler |
David |
Manning |
The Oil and Gas Act of 1984: An Analysis of Pennsylvania’s Attempt to Reduce Environmental Degradation Associated with Oil and Gas Production Activities |
1986 |
Sam Harrison |
Angela |
Mathur |
India: The Large Family Norm and Its Implications on Population Policy |
1990 |
population |
Kent |
McFarland |
The Effects of a Tornado Damaged Forest on the Channel Morphology, Macroinvertebrate Community, and the Physiochemistry of the Branch: A Second Order Stream in the Allegheny National Forest |
1988 |
allegheny national forest, tornadoes, macroinvertebrates, stream channel morphology |
Gregory |
McGee |
The Spatial Distribution of Phosphorus Species in Lake Sediments and Their Application as a Lake Management Tool |
1987 |
lake sediment, canadohta lake |
Laurel |
McGowan |
Two Modes of Interpretation: The Scientific Evaluation and Poetic Reflection of Gable Hill Plaza |
1991 |
writing |
Kevin |
McKown |
An Analysis of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 – The Abandoned Mine Lands Fund |
1985 |
surface mining, reclamation |
Stephen |
Menosky |
The Effects of Sea Level Rise on Differing Beach Profiles Along the Shores of Cape Cod |
1991 |
coastal area, beaches Rich |
Rich Bowden |
Paul |
Metzger |
Assessment of the Relative Importance of Snowmelt and Other Variables to Erosion Rates in Intermittent Streams |
1985 |
stream ecology, erosion, sediment levels |
Georganne |
Morin |
Conservation Tillage: An Environmentally Sound Method of Controlling Agricultural Soil Erosion? |
1989 |
erosion, agriculture, dust bowls |
James |
Naser |
The Effects of Hardness on Lead Toxicity in Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) |
1987 |
toxicity |
Janice |
Nichols |
Whales and Extinction: A History of Commercial Whaling and the International Whaling Commission |
1988 |
whales, whaling, endangered species |
Scott Wissinger |
Doug |
Oberdorf |
The Relationship Between Drainage Basin Geology/Physiography and Stream Hydrology of Cussewago Creek |
1990 |
stream ecology |
Diane Kamola |
Ken |
Ogilvie |
Sources of Phosphorus in the Hypolimnetic Waters of Canadohta Lake |
1987 |
phosphorus |
Milt Ostrofsky |
Donald |
Osborne |
Phosphorus Release Rates from Lake Sediments: The Importance of Phosphate Fractions and the Derivation of a Predicting Model |
1986 |
phosphorus release |
Suzanne |
Oswald |
A Growthmatic Economy, A Steady State Economy and an Alternative Idea |
1986 |
economics |
Gigi Berardi |
William |
Parry |
The Landward Effects of Breakwaters on the Subaerial Beach and Nearshore Zone at Presque Isle State Park, Erie, PA, 1991 |
1991 |
presque isle state park, beaches |
Robert Schwartz |
Steve |
Radel |
An Economic Examination of a Privately Owned Aluminum Buy Back Program with an Emphasis on the Costs and Benefits Absorbed by Society |
1985 |
aluminum recycling, aluminum cans |
Lisa |
Reiter |
Joint and Several Liability Under the Act Superfund |
1988 |
superfund sites, pollution, hazardous waste |
Sam Harrison |
Lou |
Reynolds |
An Examination of Soil Type as a Predictor of Alkalinity in Northwestern Pennsylvania Streams |
1985 |
soils, stream ecology |
Gigi Berardi |
Jessica |
Rio |
How the National Research Council Board on Agriculture report “Investing in Research” emerged in policy as the NATIONAL RESEARCH INITIATIVE COMPETITIVE GRANTS PROGRAM |
1991 |
agriculture, policy |
Eric Pallant |
Kimberly |
Ross |
Keeping the “Good Apples” Sweet: Fine Tuning the Motivation Towards Voluntary Environmental Compliance |
1990 |
environmental regulation |
Eric Pallant |
Ronald |
Saunders |
Is Yucca Mountain a “Safe” Long-Term Nuclear Waste Repository |
1991 |
nuclear waste |
Zhaoping |
Shong |
Studies of Interactions Between Synthetic Organic Compounds and Aqueous Fe3+ and Cr3+ Solutions using Gas Chromatography |
1988 |
Andrew Jorgenson |
Raymond |
Siegener |
The Effect of Acidic Water on the Respiration Rate of a Stonefly Predator, Acroneuria carolinensis Banks |
1986 |
acid rain |
Jeannie |
Simmons |
The Variability of Cyanogenic Glycosides in Aquatic Plants in Response to Herbivory and Nitrogen Stress |
1987 |
herbivory, cyanogenic glycoside |
David |
Smith |
An Investigation of Gasoline Contamination by Soil Monitoring |
1990 |
soil pollution |
Sam Harrison |
Karen |
Steer |
A Study of the Effects of Sublethal Concentrations of the Carbamate Larvin on Survival and viability of the Larval Grass Shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio (Holthuis) |
1991 |
pesticides |
Jim Palmer |
Robert |
Steinmetz |
The Wilderness Act: A Legacy of Preservation |
1989 |
the wilderness act of 1964, legislation |
Pamela |
Stevenson |
Crawford County’s Federally Funded Transportation System |
1986 |
urban transportation |
Gigi Berardi |
Henry |
Suhr |
Mankind and the Land: Partners in Covenant |
1988 |
land degradation |
Sam Harrison |
Jim |
Swartz |
The Tewa Indians of the Upper Grande Region of New Mexico: A Study of a People’s Relationship with Their Natural Environment |
1987 |
Dr. Braham |
David |
Swedler |
Hydrogeologic Evaluation of Sites for Deep Well Injection of Brine Water in the Meadville and Beaver Center Quadrangles |
1986 |
brine water disposal |
Sam Harrison |
Susan |
Swensen |
Overcoming Public Opposition to the Siting of Hazardous Waste Facilities |
1985 |
hazardous waste disposal |
Sam Harrison |
Laura |
Swaim |
Correlations Between Surficial Sedimentary Phytoplankton Pigments and Spring Phosphorus: A Paleolimnological Tool for Evaluating Lake Productivity in the Past |
1986 |
phosphorus |
Milt Ostrofsky |
Jill |
Talbot |
Nature and Human Responsibility: A Search for a New Environmental Ethic |
1986 |
environmental ethics |
Laura |
Thoburn |
Photovoltaic Solar Technology: A Financial Appraisal |
1985 |
solar energy |
Sam Harrison |
William |
Thornton |
Modification of the Absorption of Zinc Ions on Bentonite by Humus |
1985 |
landfills |
Sam Harrison |
Douglas |
Godfrey |
The Effects of pH on Growth and Diversity of Macroinvertebrates in Four Streams in the Adirondak Mountains of New York State |
1984 |
stream ecology, macroinvertebrates |
Eileen |
Tucker |
Home Again on the Range: Reclaiming Strip-Mined Land |
1988 |
strip mines, reclamation |
Eric Pallant |
Kristen |
Underwood |
A Study of the Potential for Contamination Through the Losing Reach of a Tributary of Cassadaga River, Chautaqua County, New York |
1988 |
stream ecology |
Chris |
Weiland |
Seasonal Variations in the Impact of Sewage Effluent on the Water Chemistry and Macroinvertebrates of Oil Creek |
1988 |
sewage, stream ecology, macroinvertebrates |
Scott Wissinger |
Janet |
Vite |
An Evaluation of National Park Policy During the Carter and Reagan Administrations |
1988 |
national parks |
Sam Harrison |
Marie |
Waechter |
Factors Affecting Group Size of the Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, in the Fort Morgan Peninsula Area of Mobile Bay, Alabama |
1988 |
dolphins |
Scott Wissinger |
Timothy |
Walmsley |
The Effect of Nutrient Enrichment on the Microbial Activity of Red Oak Quercus rubrum and American Elm Ulmus americana Leaves that Fall Into Streams |
1991 |
nitrogen |
Milt Ostrofsky |
Walter |
Whimpenny |
Nutrient Competition in an Agroforestry System |
1991 |
agroforestry |
Catherine |
Whitaker |
Packaging and Its Environmental Impacts |
1990 |
waste disposal, trash |
Eric Pallant |
Scott |
Williams |
The Effects of Acid Mine Drainage and Its Dilution by Freshwater Tributaries on the Water Quality of Kemerer Creek (PA) |
1982 |
stream ecology, mines |
Steven |
Witmer |
Title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985: An Analysis of the Implementation of Certain conservation Measures Within a Conceptual Framework |
1988 |
wetlands |
Andrew |
Wright |
An Investigation Into the Possibility of Using the Crayfish Orconectes rusticus as a Biological Control on the Growth of the Aquatic Macrophyte Myriophillum spicatum |
1991 |
aquatic macrophytes |
Milt Ostrofsky |
Peter |
Wright |
Proposal and Design for an Interpretive Nature Trail at Robertson Field Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania |
1989 |
David |
Yezbak |
A Comparison of Stream Channels Between Forested and Unforested Areas |
1988 |
stream ecology |
Sam Harrison |
Marc |
Zampell |
The Biological and Economical Effects of Red Tide on Shellfish Off the Coast of Northern Massachusetts: The Clammers’ Dilemma |
1985 |
Red tide |
Timothy |
Zebulske |
Internal Loading and Rates of Phosphorus Remobilization from Lake Sediments |
1985 |
phosphorus |
Kevin |
Zinn |
Economic Analysis of Pennsylvania’s Act 101 |
1989 |
legislation |
Ahmad Afrasiabi |