Academic Honor Program and the Honor Code
Report a Violation of the Honor Code
All official reports of suspected violations of the college Honor Code must be submitted via the form linked immediately below. Please email any questions about submitting the form to
The Honor Code
A voluntary honor system was established at Allegheny College in 1960, and by 1962 over two-thirds of the student body participated in the program. The following year, the student body voted to make the honor program mandatory. This decision, also approved by the faculty and administration, first applied to the class that entered the College in 1964. Every three years since 1990, the Honor Committee conducts a student referendum to determine if the student body wishes to continue the honor system. The Honor Code has consistently been supported by an overwhelming majority of students. The Honor Code is published in the Academic Bulletin and is administered by a student Honor Committee. The Honor Code was last amended in Spring 2024. The Honor Code was last ratified by the student body in Spring 2024.
The Academic Honor Program
The Academic Honor Program is designed to promote individual responsibility and integrity in academic affairs, and to develop an atmosphere conducive to serious independent scholarship. Allegheny’s Honor Code is different than those of many other colleges because it is a student code, developed and upheld by the students themselves, rather than imposed by the College administration. Any member of the College community may report an alleged violation of the Honor Code. Such reports shall be prepared in writing and directed to the Honor Committee. Reports should be submitted as soon as possible after the alleged violation occurs.
The Honor Committee
The Honor Committee is the first level of inquiry in all cases of alleged violations of the Allegheny College Honor Code. The Honor Committee is composed of twelve students: four seniors, four juniors, four sophomores. Selection of new members and a chairperson will be conducted in accordance with the Honor Committee Constitution.
Summary of Changes Made in Spring 2024
Honor Code Staff
For more information or questions regarding the Honor Committee or the Honor Code, please contact
Dr. Ian Binnington, Dean for the Student Experience, Administrative Advisor
Dr. Matt Betush, Chemistry, Faculty Advisor
Honor Committee Students
Charlotte Allen, Secretary
Vianna Walton, Social Media Chair
NealyClare Wheat, Honor Committee Chair
Sarah Willison
Katelyn Bombalski
Renee LaGrosse, Education Chair
Lauren Schmader, Events Coordinator
Lorenzo Scarnati
Hemani Alaparthi
Naydean Massie
Samuel Roque
Anna Turhan