Associate Professor of English and Director of Writing Alexis Hart’s co-authored chapter “Veterans in College Writing Classes: Understanding and Embracing the Mutual Benefit” appears as the first chapter in the edited collection Generation Vet: Composition, Student Veterans, and the Post-9/11 University, recently released by Utah State University Press.
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Associate Professor of English Valerie Sweeney Prince presented a paper titled “Metaphor Beyond Hermeneutics in the Book of Isaiah” at the third decennial Furious Flowers Conference: Seeding the Future of African American Poetry on September 25. The conference was hosted by James Madison University and dedicated to Rita Dove.
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Professor of Biology, Neuroscience, and Global Health Studies Lee Coates, Associate Professor of Psychology Aimee Knupsky, and Associate Professor of English Soledad Caballero recently published an article titled “Charting a Required, Senior Capstone: Diverse Scaffolding for Transformative Experiences,” CURQ on the Web, Summer 2014, 34(4):10-15.
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St. Clair Professor of English Lloyd Michaels has had his essay “Woody Allen’s Cinema of Regret” accepted for publication in Quarterly Review of Film and Video. His essay on the New York Film Festival, which he attended as a member of the press last fall, was published in the winter issue of Film Criticism, the
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