Articles: Tag: Religious Studies

Olson’s Essays Published

Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Religious Studies Carl Olson’s invited essay titled “Ways of Healing and the Roles of Harmony, Purity, and Violent Rhetoric in Japanese Shinto and Shamanism,” has been published in Better Health through Spiritual Practices edited by Dean D. VonDras (Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2017, pp. 97-118). A second invited essay of Olson’s titled “The Problematic Nature

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Olson essay published in journal, another forthcoming in book

Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies Carl Olson‘s essay, “Place, Play, Escape, and Identity: A Reconsideration of the Thought of Yi-fu Tuan in Light of the Work of Ramanuja and Zhuangzi” has been published in the International Communication of Chinese Culture. His essay “Violence, the Demonic, and Indian Asceticism” also has been accepted for publication in

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Allegheny College Students to Attend National Conference at Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics

Allegheny College students will participate in the National Campaign for Political and Civic Engagement conference at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics (IOP), February 3-5. The 2017 National Campaign conference will focus on identifying the root causes of national divisiveness following the 2016 presidential election and work to formulate strategies to bridge gaps between

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Krone presents research papers

Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Director of Jewish Life Adrienne Krone recently presented two papers on her research. On Nov. 21, at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion in San Antonio, Tex., she presented a paper entitled, “Free-Range Judaism.” The second paper, entitled “It’s Muddy on the Margins,” was delivered Dec.

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Mirza published in Journal of Qur’anic Studies

Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies Younus Mirza recently published the article “Ibn Taymiyya as Exegete” in the Journal of Qur’anic Studies. The articles discusses how Ibn Taymiyya, one of the most influential medieval Muslim scholars in modern times, engaged the Bible and biblical literature to better interpret parts of the Qur’an.

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Olson Publishes “Religious Ways of Experiencing Life”

Routledge has published Professor of Religious Studies Carl Olson’s latest book, Religious Ways of Experiencing Life: A Global and Narrative Approach. The book is an introduction to the major religious traditions and religious studies along with chapters on ancient dead religions such as Egyptian, Greek, and Roman and separate chapters on Native American Indians and

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