New Gators: If you have submitted your deposit AND received the welcome packet with your student ID and account information, you can now complete your housing information form! The form is available by going to the “Important Forms” page on the menu to the left.
New first year students also have the option of choosing to participate in a Living-Learning Community (LLC) for the 2016-2017 academic year. LLCs are a special type of housing assignment, where students live on the same residence hall floor with the other members of their specially-designated FS 101 course. Visit the LLC page to learn more about this exciting opportunity, and to read course descriptions for this year’s LLCs. You can also access the LLC application on the Important Forms page.
Here are a few things to remember when completing your housing forms:
1. Be honest. It is critical for the roommate assignment process that you be truthful about your habits and preferences. If you have trouble keeping a tidy room, be honest about that. If you rarely go to bed past 11:00pm, and always wake up before 7:30 am, be honest about that too. Represent yourself accurately so we can find the roommate who’s the best fit for you!
2. Complete the forms as soon as possible. The Office of Residence Life considers these forms in the order that they are submitted. The sooner you complete the form, the more likely it is that we will be able to match you with a roommate who is a good fit, and place you in your preferred residence hall. If you have already submitted your deposit and received your welcome packet, you can get submit the form today! Note: You must complete the forms no later than May 31.
3. You will receive your room and roommate assignment information in July. Though you may submit the form as early as today, the Office of Residence Life will not begin reviewing the forms until June, after most incoming students have submitted their deposits. Also, please remember that other incoming students have until May 31 to complete the housing form.
As noted in your summer communication schedule, incoming students will receive their roommate assignment and residence hall room information by email in July. That will give you plenty of time before Orientation begins on Saturday, August 27 to connect with your new roommate, and get to know each other!
If you have any questions about the housing process for incoming students, please contact the Office of Residence Life at (814) 332-3865. You may also contact the orientation staff at (814) 332-2898, or