Kelly Berger

Physics Program at Allegheny College Is the 2019 Best for the Money in Pennsylvania

Meadville, Pennsylvania – The accredited degree program in Physics at Allegheny College has been ranked as a “Best Value for the Money” in the annual nationwide ranking of U.S. colleges and universities by College Factual.

National Rankings Review

The Physics program at Allegheny is ranked #24 out of 261 programs at colleges and universities in the United States reviewed as “Best for the Money.” This places Allegheny’s Physics program in the Top 10% of all such programs in the country reviewed by College Factual for value.

See the full ranking of Best Physics Schools for the Money.

State Rankings Review

In addition, Allegheny’s Physics program ranked #1 out of 18 colleges in Pennsylvania for value. This makes Allegheny the best value school in the state for Physics majors.

Allegheny has achieved this ranking 2 years in a row.

See the full ranking of Best for the Money Physics programs in Pennsylvania.

Superior Outcomes at Allegheny for Students Earning Physics Degrees

Based upon PayScale survey data*, students graduating from Allegheny with accredited degrees in Physics realize early-career earnings of $56,016 and mid-career earnings of $89,985.

Learn more about Physics as a major.

About This Ranking

College Factual’s Best Physics Schools for the Money Ranking takes into account the average yearly cost of the school, the average time students take to graduate, and the quality the school provides to students. This means schools who rank highly are offering a good value for the money for Physics graduates.

About Allegheny College

Allegheny College is located in Meadville, Pennsylvania in what is generally considered a small town setting, serving approximately 1,900 graduates.

College Factual has estimated the average yearly cost to attend Allegheny to be $34,241. The average student graduates in about 4.1 years, bringing the average total cost of attending Allegheny to $140,388.

Learn more about value at Allegheny.

About College Factual

College Factual, located in Troy, New York, is the leading source of data analytics and insights on college outcomes. It provides in-depth coverage for over 2,500 colleges and universities and over 350 college majors. These insights are available to students from over 200 countries interested in pursuing accredited college degree programs in the United States.

Learn more about the methodologies employed by College Factual.

*Salary data is estimated by College Factual using 2013 data provided by PayScale.

Interactive planetarium to feature a full-dome projection system

Allegheny received a grant of $150,000 from the George I. Alden Trust to create a Center for Innovation and to purchase a high-definition, full-dome projector for the planetarium, which will allow some of the projects developed in the center to be tested and displayed in the planetarium. Recognizing the importance our students and their families understandably place on post-graduation outcomes, the college has committed to offering more opportunities for students to put their classroom learning into action. The Center for Innovation and interactive planetarium will offer our students the ability to engage critically and creatively with real-world situations and problems, working across the curriculum and co-curriculum in intentional ways.

Sebolt, Rohaley, Krieger attend physics conference for women

The few the proud: Juliana Sebolt, ’20, Grace Rohaley, ’20, and Olivia Krieger, ’19.

Held at 12 different locations around the United States and Canada each year, the American Physical Society Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics aims to spread awareness about the lack of women working the physics field, as well as connecting women who are studying the profession.

Sebolt, Rohaley and Krieger had the opportunity to attend the New Jersey conference this year on Jan. 21. The head of the department at Allegheny is Dr. James Lombardi. […] Read more at The Campus


There will be tea on Fridays during the spring 2013 semester at 3:30 pm in the SPS lounge, room 108. 

See you there!

               2012 – 2013 SPS Officers

President: Keiron Stoddart
Vice President: Mike Hajduk
Secretary: Jessica Jeroski
Treasurer:      Brianne Zins
ΣΠΣ President