The summer 2021 season of ACRoSS is a welcome return to sharing the work of our Allegheny summer research students. This year, ACRoSS runs on Tuesdays from noon to 1:00 pm, from July 6th to August 10th. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will hold ACRoSS virtually via this Zoom link. If you join us, we ask that you enter the Zoom call with your sound off so as to minimize feedback. We do encourage those attending to turn their cameras on if possible so that students can see the audience as they present.
At each weekly meeting, students will present short overviews of their specific summer projects (e.g., question of interest, methods of inquiry, anticipated results or applications, etc.) to an audience of students, faculty, staff, administrators, community members, and prospective students and their families. Open to the all of the Allegheny College and Meadville Community.
ACRoSS 2021 Schedule
Tues, July 6th, 2021
Quinn Broussard ’22 (Philosophy)
Mentor: Irem Kurtsal, Philosophy
Title: Standpoint Epistemology and Autoethnographic Narratives
Ben Ramsey ’22 (Physics)
Mentor: Dan Willey, Physics
Title: Exploring galaxy through 21 cm radio emission
Erin Magnus ’23 (Philosophy and History)
Mentor: Irem Kurtsal, Philosophy
Title: Contemporary Art and Ontology
Tues, July 13th, 2021
Hassan Javed ’24 (Psych0logy)
Mentor: Ishita Sinha Roy, Communication, Film, and Theater
Title: Defining Pakistani Nationalism through Contesting Masculinities
Emily Jones ’22 (Biology)
Mentor: Yee Mon Thu, Biology and Biochemistry
Title: Inhibition of Protein-Protein Interactions of Sumoylated Proteins Involved in DNA Damage Repair
Alyssa Astaria
Mentor: Irem Kurtsal, Philosophy
Title: Transformative Experience and Substance Abuse Disorders
Tues, July 20th, 2021
Sam Rundquist, Ryan Mantione, and David Ahlers ’22 (Chemistry and English)
Mentor: Tim Chapp, Chemistry
Title: Activation of hydrogen with small molecules
Nicole Foulkrod ’22 (Biochemistry) and Carly Haas ’23 (Chemistry)
Mentor: Moira Flanagan, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Title: Exploring the Structure-Function Relationship in melanin pigments
Elijah Van Vlack ’22 (Mathematics)
Mentor: Craig Dodge, Mathematics
Title: One Dimensional Summands of Specht Modules
Tues, July 27, 2021
Claire Johns ’22 (Computer Science)
Mentor: Douglas Luman, Computer Science
Title: Good Work: Accounting for Academic Use of Open Source
Truong Son Nguyen ’23 (Math and Political Science)
Mentor: Tarah Williams, Political Science
Title: Inaccurate Election Projections: A Combination of Bad Polling and a Distrustful Public?
Grace Hemmelgarn ’22 (Environmental Science and Sustainability) and Danielle Studer ’22 (Environmental Science and Sustainability)
Mentor: Casey Bradshaw-Wilson, Environmental Science and Sustainability
Title: Working on PA Unassessed Waters Initiative
Tues, August 10th, 2021
Kylie Rimes ’23 (Business) and Kai’lani Woodward ’23
Mentor: Byron Rich, Art
Title: Suburbs of Accra: Digital Neocolonialism
Luka Kathman ’23 (Psychology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)
Mentor: Christopher Normile, Psychology
Title: Effects of Race and Gender on Perceptions of Exonerees: An Intersectional Approach
Madelyn Kapfhammer ‘22 (Biology and Computer Science)
Mentor: Amelia Finaret and Becky Dawson, Global Health Studies
Title: Global health informatics: Planning, organizing, and developing a lab
Sarah Schmidt ’21 (Economics and Environmental Science and Sustainability)
Mentor: Stephanie Martin, Economics
Title: Student experiences in the Business and Economics Department: Implications for gender disparity.