Alumni Council Bylaws

Bylaws Of The Alumni Association Of Allegheny College



The Association shall be known as the Alumni Association of Allegheny College.



All persons who have matriculated at Allegheny College and attended for at least one term or semester hold membership in the Alumni Association. Persons may also be elected to honorary membership by 2/3 vote of the Alumni Council. All persons previously elected to honorary membership will continue to be counted as members.



An annual meeting of the Association will be scheduled to coincide with Reunion Weekend. Minutes of the Association meeting will be recorded, and a report of the business of the Association, as conducted by the Alumni Council, will be presented. Nominees for Council membership and the nominee for the position of Secretary will be presented to the Association for election. All officers and members elected or ratified by the Council to fill vacancies occurring between annual meetings shall also be presented to the Alumni Association for ratification.



The Alumni Council is a self-governing, self-perpetuating body drawn from the members of the Alumni Association.

Section A. Purpose

4.A The principal purpose of the Alumni Council is to strengthen the relationship between alumni and Allegheny College, including students, faculty, administration, and Board of Trustees; to activate alumni in support of initiatives that align with the College’s strategic objectives; and to be aware of the College’s action plans, assist with communicating those plans to the Alumni Association, and advise the College about graduates’ relationship to those plans. In all its programs, the Council shall represent with equality and fairness the interests of all Alleghenians without regard to race, color, sexual orientation, creed, national origin, gender, age, or disability. The Council encourages the participation of all alumni in its programs and activities on an equal basis.

Section B. Powers

4.B The Alumni Council shall have full power to conduct, manage and direct the business and affairs of the Alumni Association. All powers of the Alumni Association are granted to and vested in the Alumni Council.

Section C. Qualification and Selection

4.C.l There shall be no fewer than twenty-five and no more than fifty members on the Alumni Council.

4.C.2 Members of the Alumni Council shall be selected in such a manner to ensure that the Council shall be broadly representative of the interests and concerns of all alumni. To this end, the Council shall adopt rules to direct its procedures for the selection of its members and for the nomination and election of a member to a second term.

4.C.3 Prospective Alumni Council members shall be nominated by the Nomination Committee, with the approval of the Alumni Council, and shall be elected by the Alumni Association at its annual meeting. A single slate approach will be utilized. Council members shall serve three-year terms. Each term shall begin at the fall Council meeting and conclude at the June (or spring/summer) meeting. Council members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. A former member is eligible for nomination and election to the Council after one year as a non-member.

4.C.4 One current Allegheny student will be selected each year to serve as a member of the Alumni Council. This student will be selected during the student’s third (junior) year and first serve on the Council during the student’s fourth (senior) year and the two years thereafter. Election of the student member shall follow the procedures outlined in 4.C.3.

Section D. Vacancies

4.D Any vacancy or vacancies on the Alumni Council for an uncompleted term may be filled by election by the Executive Committee based on nominations from the Nomination Committee. Each person so elected shall serve for the balance of the unexpired term and can serve for up to two subsequent terms. Such election shall be presented for ratification to the Council and to the Alumni Association at the next regularly scheduled meeting(s).

Section E. Meetings

4.E Regular meetings of the Alumni Council shall be held on-campus two times each calendar year, one meeting in the fall and the other at Reunion Weekend in the spring. A third regular meeting shall be held via teleconference/video conference during the first few months of each calendar year. Additional meetings of the Council may be called by the President or by a majority of the Council.

Section F. Notice of Meetings

4.F Notice of each special meeting shall be given to each Council member at least 10 working days prior to the date of such special meeting. Such notice shall state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting.

Section G. Quorum and Manner of Acting

4.G One-third of the members of the Council shall be present at each meeting to constitute a quorum. Each member shall be entitled to one vote. Motions shall be carried when approved by a majority of those voting. Proxy voting may be permitted at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of meetings.

Section H. Termination

4.H Any Council member unable to attend two consecutive general Council meetings will be contacted by the Alumni Council President to discuss ability to continue on Council. Inability to participate will be considered when determining appointments to a second term.



The Executive Secretary of the Council shall be the Director of Alumni Affairs, appointed by the administration of Allegheny College. The Executive Secretary shall be an ex officio member of the Executive Committee and of all other standing committees and working groups. The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for communications between the Council and the College and within the Council; and for supporting the work of the Council.



The Officers of the Alumni Council serve as the Officers of the Alumni Association.

Section A. Number, Qualification and Designation

6.A The officers shall include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Past President. Each officer shall, prior to election, have been a member of the Alumni Council for at least two years.

Section B. Election and Term of Office for Officers

6.B Nominations of current Council members to serve as Secretary shall be solicited by the Officers. All Council members who have served at least two years on the Council are eligible for consideration. Members may nominate themselves or other members. Rationale: Clarifies the current prevailing process that invites the entire Council put forth nominations for the Secretary position. The Officers will select one nominee for approval by the membership of the Council, and elected by the Alumni Association at the annual meeting. Criteria for the selection of new members and officers can be found in the “Rules Governing Procedure.” Each officer position shall be held for one year, after which the individual shall succeed to the next higher office. The Secretary shall succeed to Vice President, the Vice President to President, and the President to Past President, and the Past President shall no longer be an Officer after their year duration as Past President. Except for vacancies due to attendance, inability to serve, or resignation, the only elected position to be filled each year will be that of Secretary. An Officer’s term of membership on the Council may extend beyond the two consecutive term limit to the extent necessary for that individual to serve in all four officer positions.

Section C. Vacancies

6.C.1 A vacancy in the office of President or Vice President shall cause an early succession of officers to the next highest office. In that event, the officers shall succeed and serve both the unexpired terms and the next full term, as necessary. A vacancy in the office of President, Vice President, or Secretary shall cause the Officers and Executive Committee, following the procedure outlined in Section 6B, to nominate an interim Secretary who will take office immediately and serve for the remainder of the term.

6.C.2 A vacancy in the office of Past President shall not be filled until the next yearly succession of officers.

Section D. General Responsibilities of the Officers

6.D.1 Officers will serve as liaisons to committees and working groups, encouraging their work and communication.

6.D.2 The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Council and shall have general supervision over the activity and operations of the Alumni Association. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Council, facilitate the creation and ongoing operation of committees and working groups, be an ex officio member of all committees and working groups, and chair the Executive Committee of the Council. The President represents the Alumni Association at meetings of the Allegheny Board of Trustees.

6.D.3 The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the President’s absence and those tasks assigned by the President, Executive Committee or Council. The Vice President plans and implements the new member orientation program, oversees and compiles data about Alumni Council member involvement, assesses new member acclimation into the Council and reaches out to new members at least two times in their first year, and oversees the Council’s goal of 100% participation in the Annual Fund. The Vice President shall also talk with members in the third year of their first term to discuss the renewal of their appointment to a second term. The Vice President shall maintain photos and bios for all Council members on the website and other places of import.

6.D.4 The Secretary shall perform all duties normally pertaining to the office of Secretary and other duties as assigned by the President, Executive Committee or Council. The Secretary shall be responsible for the timely distribution, safekeeping and accuracy of the minutes of all meetings, including the annual meeting of the Alumni Association. The secretary shall ensure the timely collection of minutes from all committee meetings, working group meetings, general meetings and conference calls, including maintaining a record of member attendance. The Secretary shall see that all appropriate notices are given and reports and records properly maintained. The Secretary is also responsible for any correspondence pertaining to Alumni Association business. The Secretary will oversee and provide assistance for all working groups, including regular check-ins with working group chairs.

6.D.5 The Past President is a member of the Executive Committee, represents the Council at meetings of the Board of Trustees, and is responsible for periodically reviewing and updating the Allegheny College Alumni Association Bylaws. The Past President acts as a liaison between the Council and former Council members.



Standing committees and working groups shall perform the work of the Council.

Section A. Membership

7.A Committee and working group membership shall be determined by the Council as a whole. All Council members will serve on at least one committee or working group.

Section B. Committee and Working Group Leadership

7.B.1 Each standing committee shall select a Chair at the fall meeting each year. The Chair shall serve until the next fall meeting.

7.B.2 Each working group shall select a Chair from its membership at its initial meeting. The Chair shall serve for the entire time the working group is in existence.

Section C. Standing Committees

7.C.1 The Executive Committee shall be empowered with the executive authority of the Council, consider all matters of general business relevant to the Council, and communicate regularly between meetings. The membership of the Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Past President, and committee and working group chairs. The President shall be the chair of the Executive Committee. When necessary, the Executive Committee may recommend committee assignments based on the subject matter and necessary expertise.

7.C.2 The Nomination Committee shall review all candidates for membership to the Council and make recommendations to the Council for election of new members.

7.C.3 The Awards Committee will select recipients of the Blue and Gold Citations, Distinguished Service Award, Thoburn Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Julian Ross Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Section D. Working Groups

Working groups will be created in direct response to the College’s needs as outlined in the Strategic Plan or according to the goals and objectives identified by College leadership. Working groups will be partnered with the appropriate office/staff and will operate with clearly defined goals and objectives, a time frame during which they will accomplish their work, and clear roles and responsibilities for each working group member. Once the particular objective has been completed, the working group will dissolve, and members will join a new working group or committee. The goals and objectives of most working groups should be selected to enable a working group to accomplish its tasks in one year, and in no case shall a working group exist in excess of two years.



These Bylaws may be amended by the approval of a majority of those members present at a meeting, provided that a quorum is present. Notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall be given to the members at least 10 working days prior to such a vote. Bylaws may also be amended by ballot with a majority vote of the entire Council membership. Any amendment(s) so approved by the Council shall be presented to the Alumni Association for ratification at its annual meeting. A majority of those members present at the annual meeting must ratify the amendment(s).

Last Ratified June 1, 2019