Freshwater Fish


Contents List


Module Resource Guide Information:

Fish Commission Info
Everything you need to know in order to get the proper fishing license(s) or educational field study permit as well as the PA Fish & Boat Commission’s Education Resource Catalog and order forms.

Fact Sheets

Colorful, concise, and reproducible information and worksheets from the PA Fish & Boat Commission on general types of fish, fish anatomy, senses, reproduction, and habitat, threatened and endangered fish and fishing.

Articles of Interest

Selected articles on darters, muddlers, madtoms, salmon, brook trout, fish habitat and the connection between fish and wetlands.
Fishes of the French Creek Watershed, Allegheny College, 1999

General Activity Information

A list of module activities and an explanation of the activity format (layout).


Specific to the freshwater fish theme, these activities include all the necessary background information for teachers to pick up the activity and do the lesson in their classrooms.


Step 1: Check Module Availability – Northwest PA

Step 1: Check Module Availability – Southwest PA

Step 2: Complete Our On-line Request Form