A statement regarding racial injustice and violence, May 31, 2020

Allegheny College recognizes and validates the trauma experienced by our community members of color, especially in light of the current national incidents of racism toward and homicide of Black people. With racism being woven into the fabric of the nation’s narrative, it is difficult to see solutions and maybe more difficult to feel supported. As a community, we condemn racism and violence in any form and stand with marginalized and oppressed individuals. We want to acknowledge that many are grieving, scared, and experiencing various emotions.

Please know that we see you, we hear you, and we are here for you. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you during these challenging times.  We want to remind you of the resources available to you all through the College, including our Counseling and Personal Development Center, the IDEAS Center, and the office of the Dean for Institutional Diversity.