
Summer Study Away Process

This page is about non-Allegheny programs during the summer. If you’re looking for Allegheny programs instead, visit Allegheny’s faculty-led summer Global Learning Seminar page.

Unlike studying away during the Fall /Spring, when you study away during the summer, there is no sponsored list of programs or application approval process for Allegheny College students. If you’d like to earn Allegheny credit for courses taken off campus during the summer, you must complete an off-campus study transfer credit approval form.

Steps to receive credit for non-Allegheny summer programs

Step 1

Research available programs.

Step 2

Apply directly with your program. You will apply and pay directly to your program provider for whatever the program costs.

Step 3

Talk with the Global Education office to complete the off-campus study transfer credit approval form.

Step 4

When your program is over, make sure you request a transcript be sent from your program to the Allegheny College Registrar’s office.