System Maintenance

Colleague UI 5.4 Update

Hi folks,

The newest version of Colleague UI (5.4) is now installed in our Production environment. It can still be accessed on campus at

Please clear your cached images and files before accessing the new UI, or things will look weird. You can follow the instructions below for Chrome, but you only need to clear cached images and files. If you are having trouble clearing your cache, please contact the InfoDesk at x3768, or enter a WebHelp ticket.

This update resolves 127 change requests and we believe it to have resolved all outstanding bug reports internally. Performance has also improved as well as some enhanced navigation (most notably the row forward/reverse bar has been moved out of the way to the top of the screen.)

UI 4 is still available for individuals who find issues running the new UI, but it is not supported by the upcoming Windows 10 and will be retired in 2018.

Current and new testers should report issues to Enterprise Services via a WebHelp ticket. Thank you for your diligent testing!

Chrome Cache Clearing:

Sakai Update January 3rd

Sakai will be unavailable the morning of January 3rd.

On Wednesday, January 3, 2018 Allegheny Sakai will be updated. Please note: all Sakai services will be unavailable from 5 am to noon on January 3.

Scheduler/EMS Upgrade

Scheduler and EMS will be unavailable Wednesday, November 1, starting at noon. The system will be down all afternoon and possibly into Thursday. Please plan around this time period when requesting and approving spaces.

Performing Maintenance on Colleague Test

Colleague Test will be unavailable starting at 10:15am for unanticipated system maintenance.  The programmer analysts performing the maintenance is coordinating efforts with the power users that assist with testing on the system.  It is anticipated that Colleague Test will be available again tomorrow (6/23/17) at the start of business.

The maintenance is being conducted to prepare for maintenance on the live system scheduled for this weekend.  Once maintenance on the live system is complete it is expected that processing times on the system will decrease.