For Faculty: Teaching Tidbits/Teaching with Technology Lunch–March 12

For Faculty: Monday, March 12th

Teaching Tidbits/Teaching with Technology Lunch
Flipped Classrooms without Problem Sets

Where: Pelletier Collaboratory
When: Monday, March 12th at noon
Register here

Are you interested in flipping a class but don’t know how to start?  Lee Coates will discuss his recent experience of flipping his Animal Physiology (Bio 380) course without using problem sets.  He’ll discuss the format for the flipped class, technology for pre-class assignments and videos, in-class activities, and assessment data comparing student learning before and after flipping the class.

Lunch will be served at noon and the presentation will begin at 12:20 pm in the Pelletier Collaboratory on Monday, March 12th. Register at this link.