Endowed Prize Funds

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Dennis Andrews Memorial Trophy Fund

The income from this fund, established by Elwood F. Andrews, the father of Dennis Andrews, Class of 1966, is used to provide an annual award to the senior athletes who have shown a career of strong moral character and leadership at Allegheny College as determined by the Director of Athletics. The fund may also provide for other needs of the athletic department at the discretion of the Director of Athletics.


A. L. Ballinger Prize

The income from this fund is used to provide an award for an eligible student. The candidate is approved by the Allegheny Student Government.

Richard L. Brown Physics Prize

The income from this fund, established by friends of Dr. Richard L. Brown, is used to provide an annual prize to a senior physics major for outstanding work on the senior project.

Guy Emerson Buckingham Prize in Psychology

The income from this fund, established by the alumni of Allegheny College in honor of Professor Guy Emerson Buckingham, who taught in the Psychology Department for 40 years, is used to provide an annual prize to the student showing the greatest promise for a distinguished career in psychology.

Robert E. Bugbee Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by friends of Allegheny College in memory of Robert E. Bugbee, who taught in the Biology Department for 27 years, is used to honor the senior student in biology who has demonstrated the most profound level of scientific achievement.


Clendenin Sustainablity Prize Fund

The income from this fund, established by John C. Clendenin, Class of 1972, is used to provide an award for an Allegheny College graduating senior, or individual who has graduated from Allegheny in one of the previous three years, who plans to attend graduate school to pursue one of the following areas of study: sustainable agriculture, sustainable forestry, wildlife, fisheries, rural sociology, or other related fields.

George R. Coon Memorial Football Award

The income from this fund, established by friends and family of George R. Coon, Class of 1977, provides for an award to the senior football player whose desire to participate and whose dedication to team success have earned the highest respect of his fellow teammates. The balance, if any after the awarding of the trophy/plaque may provide for other needs of the athletic department at the discretion of the Director of Athletics.

John Scott Craig Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide an annual prize to the junior man highest in general excellence.


Doane Distinguished Scholar Award

The income from this fund, established by Sandra Doane Turk, is used to recognize the top 10 students from the first year, sophomore, and junior classes with the Doane Prize and a medal. Recipients also receive an award of $100.


Iva Patterson Gilmore Prize in Psychology

The income from this fund is used to provide an annual award to the student writing the best paper in psychology during the year.

Paul Henry and John V. Gilmore Prize

The income from this fund, established by Dr. John V. Gilmore, Class of 1930, in memory of his brother, Paul Henry Gilmore, is used to present an annual award to a student for outstanding contribution to theatre arts at Allegheny.

Graduate Student’s Prize in Economics

The income from this fund is used to provide an annual prize to a senior whose achievement has been outstanding and whose promise as a graduate student is substantial.


Harold Huntley Haine Prize in History

The income from this fund, established by a gift from Harold Huntley Haine’s niece, Anne B. Buchanan, is used to provide an annual award to an eligible senior history major who has demonstrated academic promise in the area of American history.

Blair Hanson Prize in Modern Languages

The income from this fund, established in honor of Professor Blair Hanson, former chairperson of the Modern Languages Department, in recognition of her many years of dedicated teaching at Allegheny, is used to provide an annual student prize in the Modern Language Department.

Sara Homer Junior English Major Prize

The income from this fund is used to provide an annual prize to the most promising junior major in the English Department.


Clair A. Jackson Football Prize

The income from this fund is used to provide an award granted to the Lineman of the Year.

Janet Thomas Johnson Prize

The income from this fund, established by Earl W. Johnson, Class of 1949, and Mrs. George E. Thomas, in memory of Janet Thomas Johnson, Class of 1962, is used to provide an annual prize to the member of the junior class who has shown the most improvement in his or her academic career and who plans to become a teacher at the primary level. The recipient is selected through the Dean of Students Office.

Louise Jordan Memorial Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide an annual award to an eligible non sorority woman of superior ranking in scholarship and general merit.


Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae All College Scholarship Prize

The income from this fund, established by the Gamma Rho Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma, is used to fund an annual award to a senior sorority woman who has manifested the combined qualities of good scholarship, interest in the College as a whole, and devotion to the interests of student life.

Alton D. Kidd Memorial Internship Prize

The income from this fund is used to provide an annual award to an Allegheny student to support an internship during the summer following the junior year at either the national or a state capitol. The internship is to be in either a legislative or an executive branch office.

Ruth Williams Knights Prize

The income from this fund, established by alumni of Allegheny to honor Mrs. Knights on the occasion of her retirement as Associate Dean of Students, is used to fund an annual award to the junior man or woman who is distinctly outstanding in activities, scholarship, and service to the College. The recipient is chosen by a committee of students, faculty and administration, chaired by the President of the College or his designee.

Maurice E. “Rink” Kofford, Class of 1922, Prize

The income from this fund, established by Maurice E. Kofford, Jr., Class of 1951, in honor of his father, Rink Kofford, Sr., Class of 1922, is used to provide annual awards for the junior or senior basketball team member with the highest grade point average, outstanding male athlete and outstanding female athlete. Any additional income may be used to benefit the College’s Athletic Department.


Don M. Larrabee History Prize

The income from this fund is used to provide an annual award for the best thesis or essay on history, preferably American. The recipient is selected by a committee composed of the Dean of the College, the Chairperson of the Department of History, and a third faculty member of their choosing.

Lotze Essay Competition

The income from this fund is used to provide a prize for the best discussion written by an Allegheny student that explores some aspect(s) of the relation of the sciences to the other components of the liberal arts education. The fund was established by Barbara Lotze, Professor Emerita of Physics, in remembrance of her late husband, Dieter P. Lotze, Professor of Modern Languages, who taught German language and literature at Allegheny for more than 26 years. This prize is intended to recognize not only his achievements as teacher and scholar, but also his collaboration with Barbara Lotze in an attempt to enhance communication between their different academic disciplines. The prize is normally awarded yearly; however, an exception may be made if, in the judges’ opinions, no essay of satisfactory quality was entered.

Mildred Joanna Ludwig Prize

The income from this fund, established by an anonymous donor, is used to provide an annual prize to an outstanding student majoring or minoring in a foreign language.


Frederick and Lucille Marantz Memorial Prize

The income from this fund is used to provide an annual award by the Department of Music to an outstanding piano student.

Dr. Frank E. McElree, Sr. Memorial Prize Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. McElree, Jr., Class of 1947, is used to provide an annual prize to a graduating senior who is planning a career in the health care field, who has shown marked growth and improvement as an undergraduate student, and who gives promise of continued success in his or her chosen work.

James Edward Meadowcroft Memorial Award

Established in memory of James Edward Meadowcroft, Class of 1929, by his widow, Alberta K. Meadowcroft, and two sons, Dr. James A. Meadowcroft, Clas of 1964, and Dale E. Meadowcroft, Class of 1968. This fund is used to provide a $1,000 award, presented annually to the man of the junior class who, in the opinion of a faculty committee, has demonstrated superior qualities academically, musically, and spiritually during his first three years at Allegheny.

Ethel Moore Miller Memorial Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide an annual cash prize to a student displaying outstanding musical talent. The prize will be awarded to a junior or senior who is studying music at the College and who has shown exceptional progress and ability in his or her musical studies and performances and has contributed generously to the cultural life of the College community.

Alice Kemp Moessner Prize in Modern Foreign Languages

The income from this fund, established by an anonymous gift, is used to provide an annual award to an outstanding junior or senior student chosen by the Department of Modern and Classical Languages.

George A. Mulfinger Prize Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Carl L. Mulfinger, Class of 1915, is used to provide an annual prize to the student writing the best senior project in English.

Myford Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by students and friends of the College in honor of Francis W. Myford, Class of 1926, is used to provide an award to the football player who ranks highest in scholarship.

Edith Mead Osborne Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Edith Mead Osborne, is used to provide an annual award to a senior student who shows marked musical ability, talent, or direction in voice, piano, or organ.


Philo Franklin Oration

The income from this fund, established by the Philo Franklin Literary Society, is used to award a student for outstanding achievement in the field of speech communication.

Political Science Senior Project Prize

The income from this fund is used to award an annual prize to a senior Political Science major whose senior project reflects outstanding performance. The recipient is selected by the Political Science Department.

Given from the Estate of John L. Porter:

  1. Flavia Davis Porter Prize
    The income from this fund, established through a bequest of John L. Porter, Class of 1890, is used to provide a prize every two years to the student who is accredited by a majority vote of the student body to be the most talented instrumental musician in the College.
  2. Mary A. Flower Prize
    The income from this fund is used to provide an annual prize to the most outstanding senior student majoring in English. The recipient is selected by the English Department.
  3. Belle McClintock Fry Prize
    The income from this fund, established through a bequest of John L. Porter, Class of 1890, is used to provide a prize every two years to the student who is accredited by a majority vote of the student body to be the most talented singer in the College.
  4. James Bennett Porter Prize
    The income from this fund, established through a bequest of John L. Porter, Class of 1890, is used to provide an annual prize to the student in the freshman class who is accredited with the highest average in scholarship for the first year.
  5. John L. Porter Prize
    The income from this fund, established by John L. Porter, Class of 1890, is used to fund an annual prize to the student who writes the best thesis on a topic of political economy.

William Edgar Porter Prize

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of John L. Porter, Class of 1890, is used to fund an annual prize to the student in the junior class who is accredited with the highest average in scholarship for the year.

Lynn Pyle Memorial Prize

The income from this fund, established by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Pyle of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is used to fund an annual prize to a female student who has contributed to the College community by continuing participation in a variety of college activities. The names of the recipients are recorded on a plaque that is permanently installed in Brooks Hall.


Rivbacher Award for Student Philanthropy

Income from this fund, established by Jeffrey Leimbacher ’74, Francis “Ric” Rivette ’74 and Judith LaManna Rivette, provides an annual award to the senior considered to be most likely to give back to Allegheny College as an alumnus / alumna through service and financial support.

Rivbacher Prize for Academic Advancement Fund

The income from this fund, established by Jeffrey Leimbacher, M.D. and Francis R. Rivette, Esq., both of the Class of 1974 and Judith LaManna Rivette, Esq., because of their desire to recognize academic improvement, is used to provide an annual prize to the graduate who has shown the greatest improvement in his or her grade point average from the 1st semester of freshman year through the 1st semester of senior year.

Daniel E. Rouse Memorial Prize Fund

The income from this fund, established by the friends and family of Daniel E. Rouse, Class of 1975, is used to recognize a senior geology major whose record demonstrates high academic standing and leadership in campus activities.

Jonathan Rusk Memorial Prize Fund

The income from this fund, created by the friends and family of Jonathan Lee Rusk, in his memory, provides an award each year to a senior physics major for the outstanding senior research project in experimental physics.


Harald Robert Sauer Prize Fund

The income from this fund, established through gifts from Harald R. Sauer, Class of 1953, honors the memory of Harald, as well as several of his family members his mother, Elli; his father, Georg; and his brother, Johannes. The prize is awarded annually to an outstanding senior minoring in German. The award will be chosen by the Modern and Classical Languages Department faculty.

Samuel Schick Prize

The income from this fund, established by a gift from the Barry and Florence Friedberg Family Philanthropic Fund, is used annually to provide a prize for the best Senior Project on an aspect of Jewish studies.

Honorable Raymond P. Shafer Outstanding Player Award

The income from this fund, established by the Honorable Raymond P. Shafer, Class of 1938, is used to provide an annual award to the most outstanding basketball player and also provide for other needs of the athletic department at the discretion of the Director of Athletics.

Ione Sandberg Shriber Young Writers Fund

The income from this fund, established by friends and family of Ione Shriber, provides a $150 prize to be awarded to the graduating senior who has excelled in the field of writing and shows promise, as judged by the English Department.

Ray F. Smock Prize in Political Science

The income from this fund is awarded annually to an eligible senior in recognition of special attainment and promise in the field of state and local politics.

Frederick H. Steen Prize for Excellence in Mathematics

The income from this fund, established by Allegheny alumni/math majors to honor Dr. Frederick H. Steen, Professor of Mathematics at the College from 1942 to 1978, Chairman of the Department for 27 years and Secretary of the Faculty for 20 years, is used to provide an annual prize for general excellence to a math major selected by the Mathematics Department.

Lauretta Good Strayer Memorial Prize

The income from this fund, established by the Mu Phi Epsilon Alumnae Club of Meadville, is awarded to an outstanding piano or organ student. The recipient is selected by the Department of Music.

Ann H. and Daniel F. Sullivan Award for Outstanding Musicianship

Established by Ann H. and Daniel F. Sullivan, income from this fund is used to provide an annual award to an outstanding student musician to be selected by the Music Department faculty. The Music Department may also use the fund for the general benefit of the Music Department and its students.


Wakefield Oration Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of James A. Wakefield in honor of Reverend Samuel Wakefield, D.D., is awarded annually to a student demonstrating outstanding achievement in the field of mass communications.

F. Dawson Weber Football Prize

The income from this fund is used to provide an award granted to the Linebacker of the Year.

Robert C. Wilson Prize in Drama

The income from this fund, established by the wife of Robert C. Wilson, is awarded annually to a senior who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the field of dramatics and who intends to pursue graduate study in drama.


Paul G. Zolbrod Prize

The income from this fund, established by friends, colleagues and former students of Professor Paul G. Zolbrod in honor of his 30 years of teaching at Allegheny, is used to recognize the outstanding junior English major, chosen by the English Department, for exceptional academic achievement, performance in the seminar, and contributions to the general life of the English Department.