Endowed Scholarship Funds

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Earl Adams Economics Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Roger W. Tufts, Class of 1976, and the Elkes Foundation in honor of Dr. Earl Adams, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Allegheny College, provides scholarship support for students who have performed well in the core courses of the Economics Department. A portion of the fund’s income may be used to support senior year comprehensive fees for students who have demonstrated excellence in the field of economics.

Alden Academy Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Robert C. Crawford, Class of 1915, is used to provide scholarship assistance to an eligible male student with a high scholastic standing in the preceding year. All upper-class male students are eligible, with preference given to members of Delta Tau Delta fraternity if all other eligibility requirements are equal.

Allegheny College Class of 1956 Scholarship for Meadville Students

The income from this fund, established through an estate gift from an anonymous donor from the Class of 1956, provides scholarship support for eligible students from Meadville, Pennsylvania.

Allegheny College Scholarship for Dependents of First Responders

The income from this fund, established by Robert K. “Buck” Smith, Class of 1965 and Lynn C. Smith, Class of 1966, provides scholarship support for students who are dependents of first responders. For the purpose of this scholarship, a first responder is defined as a member of a fire department, police department, EMT department or U.S. Armed Services.

Christian L. Allison ’83 and Jane K. France Endowed Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Christian L. Allison, Class of 1983, and his wife, Jane K. France, provides scholarship support for students from historically underprivileged or underrepresented populations.

Alumni Council Legacy Scholarship

Established by the Allegheny College Alumni Council in 2014, this scholarship provides support to an incoming or returning legacy student who demonstrates financial need.

Alumni Memorial Scholarship Fund

To perpetuate the memory of or to honor Alleghenians and friends of Allegheny, this fund provides income from the contributions of alumni, family, and friends to be awarded annually to undergraduate students whose academic and extracurricular achievements exemplify the high ideals of the College and who demonstrate a need for supplemental financial resources to complete their education. In those cases where a gift has been designated for a specific purpose, the wishes of the donor(s) will be honored.

Orville and Dorotha Anderson and Anderson Coach and Tour Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by O.D. Anderson, Inc., is used to provide scholarship assistance to qualifying students, with preference given to students from the greater Greenville, Pennsylvania, area, then from Northwestern Pennsylvania.

Nancy Hards Ashcom ’42 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Nancy Hards Ashcom, Class of 1942, provides scholarship support for female students who are part of a Greek organization on campus and who have demonstrated financial need.

Helen Elizabeth Averill Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mrs. Mary Martin Averill, Class of 1884, in memory of her daughter, Helen Elizabeth Averill, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible female students.

Mary Fisher Ayers Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mary Fisher Ayers, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.


Bagley Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to graduates of Corry High School in Pennsylvania. If at any time there are no eligible students from Corry High School in attendance, then the income may be awarded to other eligible students who demonstrate a high moral character and ambition. The student is to be selected by the President of the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Corry Schools, and the Principal of the High School.

John D. Bainer Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Pennbank, is used to provide scholarship assistance to an eligible student from the Meadville, Pennsylvania, area whose attendance at Allegheny would be made possible through this funding.

C. Dick Baker Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Ruth E. Baker in memory of her husband, C. Dick Baker, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students demonstrating financial need.

Norman Baker Family Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Norman H. Baker, Class of 1950, is used to provide assistance to pre med students, with preference given to those from the Youngstown, Ohio, area.

S. Ethel and S. Carl Baker Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Frank T. and Mary Donnan Baker, both of the Class of 1957, Dorothy Baker Pesta, Class of 1959, and Richard Pesta in memory of their parents, S. Carl and S. Ethel Baker, is used to provide scholarships to eligible students majoring in either math or the sciences. Preference is given to students with a demonstrated interest in music.

James Alexander Ballantyne Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Hettie F. Ballantyne in memory of her husband, James Alexander Ballantyne, is used to provide scholarship assistance for sons and daughters of ministers of the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church and for students from within the bounds of that Conference who are studying for the ministry.

George J. Barco Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of George J. Barco, Class of 1930, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students with demonstrated personal qualities of high moral character, serious commitment to pursue attainment of the full benefits of a college education, and genuine interest in service to the community and others. Preference is given first to students from the Meadville, Pennsylvania area and then to students from Crawford County, Pennsylvania. No student may be selected who is not a resident of Pennsylvania.

John C. Barkley Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Barkley Family in honor of John C. Barkley, Class of 1902, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Maude K. Barling Fund

The income from this fund, established by Maude K. Barling, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Martha Petersen Bartberger, Class of 1903, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Charles, Class of 1935, and Helen Bartberger in memory of his aunt, Martha Petersen Bartberger, Class of 1903, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible and deserving students.

Arthur L. Bates Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Mrs. Arthur L. Bates in memory of her husband, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Emily R. and Arthur L. Bates Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by a gift from Josephine Bates Gill, Class of 1934, in honor of her parents, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students with good academic records who might not otherwise be able to attend or continue college. The Honorable Arthur L. Bates served ably as an Allegheny Trustee from 1907 until 1934.

Samuel P. Bates III ’52 Scholarship Endowment

The income from this fund, established through a bequest from Samuel P. Bates III, Class of 1952, provides scholarship support for eligible students. Preference is given to students who are majoring or minoring in Business, Communication Arts, or Journalism.

Baucus and Company Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to students majoring in Economics. If there are no eligible Economics majors, the income from the fund may be used to provide scholarship assistance to students with other majors.

Chester A., Class of 1912, and Beulah A. Baum Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Chester A. Baum, Class of 1912, and his wife, Beulah A. Baum, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students who have records of good citizenship; whose residency is in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, or Venango County, Pennsylvania; and whose continuing education may be jeopardized by insufficient funds. If there are no eligible applicants from Cranberry Township or Venango County, then the residency requirement is waived.

Bayview Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Linda V. Sharpe ’61, provides scholarship assistance for a non-traditional female upperclassman whose enrollment is less than full time.

Milton Jackson Beaty Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Elizabeth S. Beaty, is used to support and advance international understanding through scholarship aid to worthy and needy students from other countries or students planning a career in international relations or foreign service.

Perry Allen Beck Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Isabelle Marvin Beck, Class of 1918, in memory of her husband, Perry Allen Beck, Class of 1913, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Howard Beebe, Class of 1942, Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Ruth Beebe, Class of 1943, in memory of her husband, Howard Beebe, Class of 1942, on the occasion of the 50th Reunion of the Class of 1942, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Leon A. Beeghly Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship support to deserving students.

Nancy Beere ’55 Emergency Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, established by Nancy Beere ’55, provides emergency scholarship support for eligible students who have experienced a sudden change in family circumstances that have resulted in an increased need for financial assistance.

Ronald C. Bendekovic ’93 Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by the teammates, classmates, fraternity brothers and friends of Ronald C. Bendekovic ’93, is used to provide scholarship assistance and recognition to eligible students with preference to students from Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Additionally, this fund is meant to foster the qualities of leadership, scholarship, dedication and hard work that exemplified Ron’s career as a student, athlete, and coach at Allegheny College and beyond.

Judith A. Berges ’63 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Judith A Berges ’63, is used to provide scholarship support for eligible students.

Lyle E. and Mary H. Biehler Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Lyle E. Biehler and his wife, Mary, Class of 1921, is used to provide assistance to hard-working students who, due to limited family resources, might not otherwise be able to attend Allegheny. Preference is given to students first from Salem, Ohio, then the Youngstown area, then Northeast Ohio.

George L. and Jeanne P. Bird Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by George L. Bird, Class of 1922, in memory of his wife, Jeanne Pinard Bird, is used to provide scholarship aid for students who have demonstrated a strong desire to work in the field of writing.

Grace Blaisdell Coggeshall Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Norman Coggeshall in memory of his mother, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students who would not otherwise be able to attend Allegheny College.

Paul E. Block ’75 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in 1997 by Paul E. Block, Class of 1975, is to provide scholarship support for eligible students. Preference is given to students who are majoring or minoring in business, computer science, communication and media, data science, economics, informatics, mathematics, political science, or software engineering. The scholarship may also be awarded to students who are studying in the pre-law track.

BNY Mellon Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Mildred Hausser Bosak Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Mildred Hausser Bosak, Class of 1932, by her husband, Francis C. M. Bosak, is used to provide support to students majoring in art or music who would be unable to attend Allegheny without some assistance.

Steve Bowser Scholarship

The income from this fund provides scholarship support for senior mathematics and physics majors. The fund was established by the family of Professor Steve Bowser, who taught mathematics at Allegheny College for many years.

Laurence C. Boylan, Class of 1932, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Elizabeth Eldridge Boylan in memory of her husband, Laurence C. Boylan ’32, is to be used to provide scholarship assistance to a student who has a grade point average of 3.2 or better with preference to a member of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Dr. Boylan was very active in athletics and his fraternity as a student at Allegheny.

Frederic Breed, Class of 1898, Fund

The income from this fund is used for the encouragement of creative intellectual achievement.

Sebert Brewer Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarships for needy students majoring in economics.

Florence Dyer Brownell Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. W. A. Brownell, Class of 1917, and Mrs. W. A. Brownell in memory of their daughter, is used to provide scholarships for female students.

John E. Brownell, Class of 1924, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Louise Brownell in memory of her husband, is awarded to a student of outstanding academic ability with demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to students from Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

Butler Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mrs. John A. Gibson, is used to assist students from Butler, Pennsylvania.

Robert A. Byron Chemistry Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Robert S. Byron, Class of 1954, and Susan Williams Byron, Class of 1954, in memory of their son, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students with a demonstrated need or academic qualifications who are majoring in chemistry.


Clementine Calvin Fund

The income from this fund, established by a bequest of Clementine Calvin, is used to aid students preparing for missionary or ministerial service.

John S. and Gertrude T. Campbell Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, created by funds received from the Gertrude T. Campbell Educational Trust, is used for scholarships for students who are residents of Butler County, Pennsylvania.

Campbell Family Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Mark R. Campbell, Class of 1982, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Father John J. Cannon Scholarship Fund

Created by Father Cannon to assist Allegheny freshmen students whose home is in the city of Meadville, West Mead Township, or Vernon Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. Preference is given to applicants from St. Brigid’s parish, but if there are no eligible applicants from this parish, students of any faith, race, creed, or color are eligible for consideration. Preference will also be given to freshmen, but if there are no eligible candidates, a previous holder of the scholarship may have it renewed once. All applications must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the student’s minister, priest, or rabbi.

Carrie Jay Carnahan Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by Ella M. Carnahan, in memory of her sister, Carrie Jay Carnahan, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students of foreign ministries.

Ella M. Carnahan Fund

The income from this fund, established by friends in honor of Ella M. Carnahan, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Marie, Class of 1939, and Eugene, Class of 1939, Cease Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Marie and Eugene Cease, both of the Class of 1939, is awarded at the close of the junior year to an eligible and worthy student who is concentrating in the field of psychology. The candidate is selected by the Department of Psychology.

CFAC Scholarship Endowment Fund

The income from this fund, established by alumni and friends during the Campaign for Allegheny College, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students.

Chambers Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of George W. Chambers, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid.

Wesley Chambers Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by Anna C. Morck, in memory of her father, Wesley Chambers, Class of 1854, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid.

Helen Ida Chaney, Class of 1945, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by her family in memory of Helen Ida Chaney, Class of 1945, is used to provide scholarships for eligible students, with preference given to women who are interested in international affairs, government, and foreign languages.

Church of the Covenant Scholarship Fund

Given by the Church of the Covenant (Presbyterian), Erie, Pennsylvania, this scholarship award is given annually to a recipient named by the church.

Clarke Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Paul W. Clarke, Class of 1923, and Helen Clarke, is used to provide scholarships for students who evidence large financial need.

Class of 1890 Loan Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of John L. Porter, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid.

Class of 1947 Emergency Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, established by an anonymous member of the Class of 1947, provides scholarship support for students who have experienced a sudden change in family circumstances that have resulted in an increased need for financial aid.

Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, created by gifts from members of the Class of 1957 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, is used to provide scholarship assistance to deserving students as determined by the Office of Financial Aid.

Class of 1962 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, created by gifts from members of the Class of 1962, is used to provide scholarship aid to promising and eligible students enrolled at Allegheny College.

Class of 1963 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, created by gifts from members of the Class of 1963, is used to provide scholarship aid to promising and eligible students enrolled at Allegheny College.

Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, created by gifts from members of the Class of 1965, is used to provide scholarship aid to promising and eligible students enrolled at Allegheny College.

Class of 1968 Scholarship

The income from this fund, created by gifts from members of the Class of 1968, is used to provide scholarship aid to promising and eligible students enrolled at Allegheny College.

Class of 1970 First-Generation College Student Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Class of 1970 in celebration of their 50th Reunion, with lead gifts from Frederick J. Isaac and Peggy Toman Siegle, provides scholarship support for first-generation college students.

Class of 1978 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, created by gifts from members of the Class of 1978, is used to provide scholarship aid to promising and eligible students enrolled at Allegheny College.

The Class of 1999 Scholarship Fund

An endowed scholarship fund established by the Class of 1999 as their Senior Class Gift, this scholarship is a thank you to all of the donors who made it financially possible for them to attend Allegheny College. A renewable scholarship awarded to a student demonstrating financial need and leadership.

Arthur B. Cobb, Jr. ’36 and Dorothy Thompson Cobb Hittl ’37 Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Dorothy Thompson Cobb Hittl, Class of 1937, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Eliza J. Kettyle Cochrane Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Anna E. Carter, Class of 1927, in memory of her mother, is used to assist students who need financial help to enter or stay in college.

Albert and Ambrosina Colecchia Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Albert and Ambrosina Colecchia’s children, Arnold R. Colecchia, Maria Colecchia Massucci, and Francesca Colecchia, is used to provide scholarship assistance to a rising senior with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher and with sustained involvement in campus and community activities.

Lillie M. Colley Fund

The gift of Arthur B. R. Colley, D.D., who served ably as an Allegheny Trustee for many years, in honor of his dear wife, Lillie M. Colley. The gift recognizes her love, loyalty, and devotion, which made possible her husband’s graduation from Muskingum Academy, Allegheny College, and Garrett Theological Seminary. The income is used to help worthy students; preference is given to those seeking to enter the ministry of the United Methodist Church.

May M. Nesbit Craig Fund

The income from this fund, established by John Scott Craig in memory of his wife, May M. Nesbit Craig, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Sam Nesbit Craig Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mr. and Mrs. John S. Craig in memory of their son, Sam Nesbit Craig, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible male students.

Ellen and William Cramer Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Ellen R. Cramer in memory of her husband, William J. Cramer, Class of 1944 and a Trustee of the College, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students. William E. Cramer added to the fund in memory of both his parents so that more students might benefit from it.

Arthur M. Crawford Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Arthur M. Crawford, Class of 1934, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students, with preference given to students planning to go into the ministry or pursue religious work. Additional preference is given to students from the Meadville, Pennsylvania area.

A. A. Culbertson Student Loan Fund

The income from this fund, established by A. A. Culbertson, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students who have completed their first year.

Currier Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Carol B. Currier, Class of 1948, is used to provide financial assistance for deserving Allegheny students who come from single-parent homes and have documented financial need. This scholarship may be awarded in addition to other forms of assistance.

Cyclops Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Cyclops Corporation, is used to provide scholarship support to deserving students.


Bennett Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mirrel and Rebecca Davis in honor of their brother, Bennett Davis, is used to provide scholarship assistance to an eligible student demonstrating financial need.

Ellen Howells Davis Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, created by Helen Curtis Davis in memory of her mother, is used to assist students from families with modest incomes.

Davis Family Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by an anonymous donor from the Class of 1959, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Mirrel Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Rebecca Davis in honor of her sister, Mirrel Davis, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students who are defraying part of their college expenses by part-time employment.

Priscilla and Rachel Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mirrel and Rebecca Davis in honor of their sisters, Priscilla and Rachel Davis, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Rebecca Davis Scholarship

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students with superior records of achievement.

John and Alice Frederick DeHaven Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Jessamine Lewis, Class of 1910, in honor of her parents, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Ruth E. DeLand Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Ruth E. DeLand, Class of 1917, is used to provide financial assistance to a deserving student.

William C. Deming Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. William C. Deming, Class of 1890, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Frank R. Denton Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Frank R. Denton Foundation, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

DiAndreth Family Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Matthew ’86 and Carmela ’84 DiAndreth, provides scholarship support for eligible students. Preference shall be given to students who are planning a health professions career.

Edward Harrison Dilley Scholarship Fund

This annual award of $1,000 provides assistance to worthy students from Crawford, Venango, and Warren Counties in Pennsylvania, who are pursuing work in mathematics, chemistry or physics and who are assisting themselves by holding part-time employment.

F.B. Doane Foundation Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by the F.B. Doane Foundation, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Doane Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Foster B. Doane, Class of 1917, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students showing promise in qualities of originality and constructive thinking.

Laura J. and Melvin A. Dotterrer Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Laura J. and Melvin A. Dotterrer, Class of 1915, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Donald G. Dunbar Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund is used to provide financial assistance to a working or eligible student who shows scholastic promise. The award may be used at the recipient’s discretion to defray his or her educational expenses.

Lindsay Duff ’53 and Lucille Duff Scholarship Endowment

The income from this fund, established by Lucille M. Duff in honor of her late husband, Lindsay A. Duff, Class of 1953, provides scholarship support to eligible students with demonstrated financial need.

Dunham Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by John Dunham, Class of 1959, and Nancy Dunham, Class of 1964, is used to provide assistance and recognition to eligible students. Preference will be given to students from Wellsboro Area High School, then Tioga County, then Potter County and then McKean County in Pennsylvania to encourage students from these counties to attend Allegheny College; when possible the scholarship recipient should be an incoming freshman. This scholarship may be renewed annually.

Durr Family Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Durr, parents of David R. Durr, Class of 1981, and Debra Durr Ladley, Class of 1985, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students who might not otherwise be able to attend Allegheny. Preference is given to students from the greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, area who wish to stay in the Pittsburgh area in a business career.

Durst Family Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Peter D. Durst, Class of 1966, and his wife, Ellen Durst, provides scholarship support for students from historically underprivileged or underrepresented populations. This scholarship was established in honor of Mr. Durst’s 50th Reunion.


Eberly Foundation Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Eberly Family Charitable Trust, is used to assist eligible students with superior academic achievement and good moral character, who are from Fayette County, Pennsylvania.

Eden Hall Farm Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, established by a grant from the Eden Hall Farm, is used to ensure that eligible students of limited financial means continue to benefit from the educational experience that Allegheny offers.

Allen B. Edwards Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in 1986 by College Trustee Donna M. Guenther, M.D., Class of 1960, and former Treasurer Dr. Allen B. Edwards, is awarded to eligible students from the Crawford County, Pennsylvania, area who would be unable to attend Allegheny as resident students without such assistance.

Mary Ely Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mary B. Ely, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students preparing for the ministry.

Empire State Executive Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by John F. Sutphen, Class of 1978, provides scholarship support for students from Central and Eastern New York State and the Greater New York City Metropolitan Area.

Bette Oliver Engel Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Bernard B. Engel, Class of 1957, in memory of his late wife, Bette Oliver Engel, provides scholarship support for first-year students.

Coach and Mom Erdos Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by teammates, athletes, and friends of Coach Tom Erdos and Mary Ann Erdos in recognition of their 30 years of dedication to Allegheny College and their impact on its Swimming and Diving program, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Robert M. Evans Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Robert M. Evans, Class of 1929 and a former Trustee of the College, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Charles E. Everett Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Vaneita W. Everett in memory of her husband, Charles E. Everett, Class of 1881, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Ewalt Pittsburgh Public School Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Henry “Bing” Ewalt, Class of 1962, and Mary J. Ewalt, provides scholarship support for eligible students who are graduates of Pittsburgh Public Schools.


Ray E. and Virginia L. Falkinburg Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, created through a bequest of Mr. and Mrs. Falkinburg, is used to assist students with financial need. Mr. Falkinburg was a member of the Class of 1919 at Allegheny.

William E. Feisley Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of William E. Feisley, Class of 1948, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students.

Leonard J. Field Loan Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students preparing for the ministry.

First National Bank of Pennsylvania – Mary J. Heimberger Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to students residing in Erie, Crawford, and Venango Counties in Pennsylvania who have demonstrated unusual academic ability along with other special talents or leadership qualities.

Schultz-Fish Family Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a gift from the estate of Laurana Schultz Fish, Class of 1947, and Henry Fish, provides needs-based scholarship support with preference given to students from Crawford County, PA and Erie County, PA.

D. Willard Flint Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Dr. D. Willard Flint, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

William S. Foultz Pre-medical Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of William Stanford Foultz, Class of 1945, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible pre-medical students.

Patricia and Norman Foy Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Patricia S. Foy, Class of 1966, and Norman F. Foy, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Richard and Irene Fulton Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Richard and Irene Fulton, provides financial aid for deserving students who have proven financial need and who have a minimum 3.0 grade point average.


William H. Gallop Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by William H. Gallop, Class of 1885, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Robert M. Garbark ’32 Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by friends and family of Robert M. Garbark, Class of 1932, is used to provide recognition and scholarship assistance to outstanding, eligible students enrolled or planning to enroll at Allegheny College to meet necessary college expenses.

John Norwood Gardner II Emergency Student Loan Fund

The income from this fund, established by a gift from George V. Gardner, Class of 1943, in memory of his son, John N. Gardner II, is used to provide financial assistance for eligible students at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid.

Gasteiger Family Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Irene Gasteiger Moltzau, Class of 1931, is used to provide scholarship grants for eligible pre-medical students.

James George Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Mr. and Mrs. R. M. George in memory of James George, Class of 1875, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Sarah and Roland George Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Sarah Wilson George in memory of her husband, Roland J. George, Class of 1911, is awarded annually to students who best exemplify the interests of Sarah and Roland George. Preference is given to students with high academic credentials who show independent judgment and initiative and to those who express an interest in domestic and international business affairs and investments.

Carolyn Estep Graffam Scholarship

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to an eligible Allegheny senior who intends a career in elementary or secondary education. The fund was established in 1982 as a birthday gift to Carolyn Graffam, Class of 1954, by her husband, Stephen, Class of 1953, in recognition of her outstanding academic and extracurricular record while a student at Allegheny.

Mortimer E. Graham Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Grace Graham and other friends in memory of her husband, Mortimer E. Graham, Class of 1922, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students. Preference is given to students majoring in English or communication arts and, when possible, from the Erie, Pennsylvania area.

Ronald E. Gregg Scholarship Fund

This fund, established by Ronald E. Gregg, Class of 1933, provides scholarship assistance for eligible students.

Mary Lou Griffiths, Class of 1948, Mathematics Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Samuel M. Haszelbart, Class of 1950, and Patricia Griffiths Haszelbart, Class of 1951, in memory of Patricia’s sister, Mary Lou, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students majoring in mathematics.

W. Lawrence & Winifred Gulick Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Kristina Gulick Schaefer ’83 in honor of her parents, W. Lawrence and Winifred Gulick, provides scholarship support to eligible students. Preference is given to students who are studying music or are members of the Choir.

Gunselman Family Scholarship

This fund was established by John W. Gunselman, Class of 1969, and Cathie R. Daubenspeck Gunselman, Class of 1969, on the occasion of their 51st wedding anniversary. The income from this fund provides scholarship support for high need students who are majoring in biochemistry, biology, chemistry, environmental geology, environmental science and sustainability, geology, global health studies, neuroscience, and physics.


James T. Hadley Fund

The income from this fund, established by the will of Emma Hadley Redding in memory of her brother, James T. Hadley, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid.

Philip B. Hamilton Family Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Philip B. Hamilton, in honor of his daughters, Ruth A. Hamilton, Class of 1971, and Jane Hamilton Devitt, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Ruth A. Hamilton Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the parents and friends of Ruth A. Hamilton, Class of 1971, is used to provide a scholarship to a worthy student who is majoring in art.

Blair Hanson & Jochen Richter Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through the generosity of family, colleagues, former students, and friends of Professors Blair Hanson and Jochen Richter in recognition of their many years of dedicated teaching at Allegheny, is awarded annually to an outstanding foreign language student to help defray the expenses of a period of study abroad. The recipient is selected by the Department of Modern Languages; candidates for the award need not be language majors.

The Virginia Ruth Hanson Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mark D. Hanson, Class of 1983, and his wife, Laura Brown, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Daphne Harper Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Daphne Harper, Class of 1916, is used to assist worthy students in need of financial aid.

Paul Hyland Harris Memorial Fund

This fund provides a limited number of scholarships for worthy young men and women from Crawford, Warren, or Venango Counties in Pennsylvania, who wish to attend either Allegheny College or Harvard University. Application to the Office of Financial Aid should be made prior to March 1.

Professor Sam Harrison Student Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Mary H. Feeley, Class of 1978, in honor of Dr. Samuel S. Harrison, Class of 1963, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Frank Haskell Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by R. M. Haskell, in memory of his father, Frank Haskell, who completed his studies at the Allegheny Preparatory School in 1885, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students of high potential but with limited means of financing their college education.

Vincent and Marguerite Hays Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Marguerite C. Hays, Class of 1920, is used to provide financial assistance to a deserving student.

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by The Hearst Foundation, is used in support of minority and first-generation college students who intend to reside in the United States after completing their studies.

Harry Heasley Scholarship Fund

An annual gift from a trust, established through a bequest of Harry Heasley, is used to provide scholarships, preferably to students from the Borough of Emlenton, Pennsylvania, or from places within a radius of ten miles from the center of that Borough.

Dorothy and William Heilbrun Scholarship

The income from this fund, established in memory of Dorothy (Alexander) Heilbrun and William Heilbrun, both of the Class of 1939, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

H. J. Heinz Company Foundation Leadership Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to outstanding students based on need and merit.

Corinne Ewing Henderson, Class of 1952, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by William W. Henderson in loving memory of his wife, Corinne, Class of 1952, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students with an interest in a career in education.

John J. Henderson Trust

The income from this fund established through a bequest of Edward H. Henderson, Class of 1863, and by Grace Van H. Henderson, Class of 1892, in memory of John J. Henderson, Class of 1862, a distinguished Judge of the Superior Court and an Allegheny Trustee from 1874 to 1928, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

I. Miller Henley ’23 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of I. Miller Henley, Class of 1923, is used to provide scholarship assistance to qualifying students.

Melita “Pi” Herrmann, Class of 1952, Endowed Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Carl W. Herrmann III, Class of 1952, in memory of his wife, Melita ‘Pi’ Jacobs Herrmann, Class of 1952, is used to provide scholarship assistance to financially deserving students.

Moses Hill Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by Moses Hill, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students preparing for the ministry.

Robert L. Hite Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Robert L. Hite, Chairman of the Board and founder of The Hite Company, through the generosity of the company’s Board of Directors and his son, R. Lee Hite, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students enrolled in economics, engineering, business, or a related field of study, with preference given to students from specified counties in Pennsylvania and New York.

Priscilla B. and David H. Hoag Scholarship for the Humanities and Social Sciences

The income from this fund, established in 1998 by Priscilla B. Hoag, Class of 1962, and David Hoag, Class of 1960, is used to provide recognition and scholarship assistance to eligible, outstanding students enrolled in or planning to enroll in the humanities or social sciences at Allegheny College.

Robin Menge Hoffman ’75 Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Robin Menge Hoffman, Class of 1975, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Anna Beacon Holbrook Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Anna Beacon Holbrook in memory of her father, James Beacon, and mother, Elizabeth Beacon, is awarded to a member of the senior class who plans to enter the Methodist ministry.

Richard E. Holden, Class of 1935, Fund

The income from this fund, established by National City Bank, in honor of Richard E. Holden, Class of 1935, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students majoring in economics. The income may also be used to provide funds for exceptional undergraduate projects in the field of economics.

Joseph and Durbin Horne Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by Joseph Horne, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students whose residence for two years prior to their entrance to Allegheny has been Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Hosmer Family Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Jack G. and Betty L. Hosmer, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Howe Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by H. Elizabeth Howe in honor of her late husband, Robert J. Howe, Class of 1939, and their late son, Timothy R. Howe, Class of 1969, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Hughes and Moore Families Endowed Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Marjorie Hughes Moore, Class of 1950, and Loyal Moore, Class of 1951, in memory of Marjorie’s parents, Thomas Hughes, Class of 1912, and Margaret W. Hughes, Class of 1912, provides scholarship support for juniors and seniors who have demonstrated financial need and are in good academic standing.

Huidekoper Harvard Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Edgar Huidekoper, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students who wish to continue their studies at Harvard University.

John W. Hulburt Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by students and friends in recognition of his 33 years of inspirational leadership at Allegheny, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Sally Pettit Humphreys Scholarship

The income from this fund, established in 1983 by Mary Sceiford, Class of 1954, in honor of her college roommate, travel companion and lifelong friend Sally Pettit Humphreys, Class of 1954, is used to provide assistance to students in Allegheny approved study abroad programs for a semester or a full year.

Susan K. Hutchison ’60 Endowed Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Susan K. Hutchison, Class of 1960, is used to provide financial assistance to a student who has a proven financial need, is majoring in Music and is a member of the Allegheny College Choir(s). If no such student qualifies, then preference is given to a student who has a proven financial need and is a member of the Allegheny College Choir(s).


International Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, is used to provide scholarships for students from selected foreign countries who have demonstrated great academic promise, special talents, and leadership abilities.

Dorothy Curry Isherwood ’21 and James E. Isherwood ’20 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by friends and family of Dorothy Curry Isherwood, Class of 1921, and James E. Isherwood, Class of 1920, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.


Ward and Vicki Jamison Scholarship

The income from this fund, established in honor of Ward and Vicki Jamison, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Ward and Vicki Jamison Vocal Studies Award

The income from this fund, established in honor of Ward and Vicki Jamison, is used to provide financial assistance to offset the cost of voice lessons for eligible students.

Isabel Beck Johnson, Class of 1942, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by friends and family in memory of Isabel Beck Johnson, Class of 1942, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students who might not otherwise be able to attend Allegheny College.

George O. C. Johnston ’42 Music Scholarship

This fund, established by Peter M. Ross and Elizabeth Clements Ross, both from the Class of 1961, provides scholarship support for eligible students. Preference is given to students who are involved in Allegheny College Choirs and/or voice ensembles and to students who are majoring or minoring in music.

Mary Yates Johnston Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by a bequest of Mary Yates Johnston, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students preparing for the ministry.

Alvin A. Jones, Sr., Class of 1927, Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Miriam A. Jones, in memory of her husband, Alvin A. Jones, Sr., Class of 1927, is used to assist in the education of worthy students.

Donald B. and Grace E. Jones Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a bequest from Donald B. Jones, Class of 1939, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Phil and Dale Jones, Class of 1965, Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Dale E. Jones, Class of 1965, in memory of her late husband, Philip S. Jones, Class of 1965, provides general scholarship support for Allegheny students.

Charles Henry Jull Scholarship Endowment Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mrs. Jull in memory of her husband, Charles Henry Jull, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.


Edward J. Kafka ’67 and Judith K. Kafka ’68 Emergency Student Aid Scholarship Support Fund

This fund, established by Edward J. Kafka ’67 and Judith K. Kafka ’68 provides emergency scholarship support for eligible students who have experiences a sudden change in family circumstances that has resulted in an increased need for financial assistance. Preference will be given to students majoring or minoring in a foreign language.

Armen Kalfayan Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Blair Hanson, is awarded annually to a superior student majoring in one of the modern foreign languages. The student is chosen by the faculty in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages after consultation with the Financial Aid Office.

Kappa Alpha Theta Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Florence W. Abell, Class of 1945, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Dr. John E. Karl, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by James D. Karl in memory of his brother, John E. Karl, Jr., Class of 1951, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Kay Family Scholarship Endowment

The income from this fund, established by Linda Sackandy Kay, Class of 1975, and Terrence L. Kay, Class of 1973, provides scholarship support for students majoring in chemistry or computer science.

Keefer Family Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Constance Helen Keefer, Class of 1965, provides scholarship support for eligible students with demonstrated financial need.

Dorothea and Norwood W. Kerr Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Dorothea Kerr, Class of 1921, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students interested in art or music.

Elizabeth F. King Scholarship Endowment Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Madeleine King Winslow, is used to provide scholarship assistance for Meadville area students or Allegheny students of the Roman Catholic faith.

Kenna Quine Morton Kinsey, Class of 1966, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through bequests of Edna and Kenneth Quine, in honor of their daughter Kenna Quine Kinsey, Class of 1966, is used to provide scholarship assistance for deserving music majors.

Marjorie “Doc” Kirk Fund

A portion of the income from this fund, established by friends and colleagues of Marjorie “Doc” Kirk, Professor Emerita of Physical Education, is used to underwrite one or two annual awards to a student or students determined by the Athletic Department to have made the most significant contribution that year to the intramural and recreation program of the College. The remaining income from the fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students in good academic standing.

Robert L. Kirkpatrick ’28 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in 1987 by the law partners and associates at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart and other friends in memory of Robert L. Kirkpatrick, Class of 1928, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Allegheny College from 1964 to 1968, is used to provide a scholarship, awarded annually to an eligible junior or senior who has achieved an outstanding academic record and who has demonstrated a strong commitment through service to the College.

J. Arvid Klein ’54 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by J. Arvid Klein ’54, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students with a declared major in art.

Dr. Eugene A. Kline ’62 Research Fund

This fund, established through a bequest from Dr. Eugene A. Kline, Class of 1962, provides student-faculty research support, with preference given to students in the Chemistry Department. It may be used for stipends, materials, equipment, research needs and conferences.

John C. Klingener and Ruth Sundback Klingener Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, established by Ruth Sundback Klingener, Class of 1933, and her family, is used to support eligible, talented students.

Knorr Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Thomas R. Knorr ’32 and Emaruth Knorr ’39 by their daughter Carolyn Knorr Stephens and her husband Bruce M. Stephens, both members of the Class of 1961, is used to provide scholarship aid for qualified students, with preference given to students from Crawford County, Pennsylvania who are preparing to become secondary school teachers or administrators. Both Mr. and Mrs. Knorr were career educators in the Crawford Central School District.

Earl Knudsen Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Earl Knudsen Charitable Foundation in memory of Earl Knudsen, is awarded to students from the Pittsburgh area; awards are based upon scholastic merit.

Karen Bates Kress ’67 Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Karen Bates Kress, Class of 1967, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students who have been disadvantaged due to social, economic or gender issues.


Peter and Ellen Weir Laffer Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Nellie E. Hogg, is used to provide scholarship assistance to a worthy student.

Frank C. and Alice M. Layng Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Frank C. Layng, Class of 1928, and Alice McClelland Layng, Class of 1933, is used to assist talented students, on the basis of need and merit, who could not otherwise attend Allegheny.

Richard Edwin Lee and Kathleen Carter Lee Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by former students and friends of Professor and Mrs. Lee, is awarded annually to able and qualified students with preference given to individuals concentrating their study in the natural science disciplines.

Richard Edwin Lee Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Gideon Sundback in honor of Professor Richard Edwin Lee, is used to provide scholarship assistance to an outstanding student majoring in chemistry. If, in the opinion of the Chemistry Department, there is no satisfactory candidate in any given year, no award for that year shall be made; but in some following year, two awards may be made if more than one suitable candidate is eligible.

Jessamine DeHaven Lewis Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Charles F. Lewis, Class of 1909, is used for grants to worthy and needy students.

C. Clark Leydic, Jr., Class of 1937, Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Grace O. Leydic in memory of her husband, C. Clark Leydic, Jr., is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Elsa Held Linaberger Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by James Linaberger, Class of 1959, in memory of his wife, Elsa Held Linaberger, Class of 1960, is used to provide scholarships to eligible upperclass students who participate in the Allegheny College Choir.

James T. Linaberger ’59 Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by James T. Linaberger, Class of 1959, provides scholarship support for eligible first generation college students in support of a long standing tradition of first generation college students at Allegheny College.

Lindley Fund

The income from this fund, established by Lucy Lindley, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid.

Anthony J. Lo Bello Scholarship and Student Support Fund

The income from this fund, established by Albert R. Trezza ’01 and Megan A. Trezza ’02 in honor of Professor Anthony Lo Bello, provides scholarship and career related support for eligible Allegheny students.

William H. and Mildred E. Locke Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mrs. Mildred Tillotson Locke, Class of 1920, in memory of her husband, is used to assist talented students who would be unable to attend Allegheny without some financial assistance.

Harry C. Loomis Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a bequest by Harry C. Loomis, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students, with preference given to students with a handicap or disability.

Barbara Lotze Physics Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Barbara Lotze, Professor Emerita of Physics, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students who are majoring in physics with a preference for students who plan a career teaching physics in high school.

Lotze Emergency Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Barbara Lotze, Professor Emerita of Physics, provides emergency scholarship support for eligible students who have experienced a sudden change in family circumstances that have resulted in an increased need for financial assistance.

Ida E. Lown Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mrs. Lown, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Morten J. Luvaas Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by former members of the Allegheny Singers in recognition of the many years of leadership provided by Choir Director Morten J. Luvaas, is awarded to a promising student who has contributed to choral music at Allegheny. The recipient is expected to be enrolled during the following academic year.


Newton B. Madden, Class of 1896, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Newton B. Madden, Class of 1896, by his son, John C. Madden, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Frank Wilbur Main Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the associates of Frank Wilbur Main in his honor, is used to provide assistance to eligible men and women who propose to follow the profession of accounting or closely related fields.

Robert A. Marchman, Esq. ’80 and Fay Chin Marchman Scholarship Fund

The Robert A. Marchman, Esq., Class of 1980, and Fay Chin Marchman Scholarship is awarded annually to a student who has been economically or socially disadvantaged whose cumulative grade point average is 3.0 or better. If more than one student meets the grade point criterion, preference will be given to those students who are involved in student organizations.

Marquette Savings Bank Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Marquette Savings Bank, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students who demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to students who are residents of Erie or Crawford counties in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Anne Lauers Matthews Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of George B. Matthews in memory of his wife, Anne Lauers, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Paraskevi (Evi) Mavrogeorgis, Class of 1997, Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Evi Mavrogeorgis, Class of 1997, by her classmates and friends, is used to provide scholarship assistance for Allegheny students, with preference given to environmental science majors. The ideal candidate will, like Evi, be actively involved with environmental issues, be people-oriented and exhibit leadership qualities. The scholarship is awarded by the Financial Aid Office in consultation with the Environmental Science Department.

McCandless Family Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Mr. and Mrs. John McCandless, is used to support and recognize eligible students.

Jeffrey L. McClendon DMD ’77 and Sharon Richey-McClendon ’78 Endowed Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Jeffrey L. McClendon DMD, Class of 1977, and Sharon Richey-McClendon, Class of 1978, provides scholarship support for first-generation students from the Pittsburgh region who are majoring in chemistry, biology, or biochemistry.

Grace Wheeler McClintock and David Hilton Wheeler Education Fund

The income from this fund provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Frank T. McClure Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Frank T. McClure, Class of 1899, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Robert W. Meredith ’57 Scholarship Endowment

The income from this fund, established by Lois Meredith, in honor of her late husband, Robert W. Meredith, Class of 1957, provides scholarship support for students with demonstrated financial need in good academic standing. Preference is given to students who are first in their family to attend college and to students from historically underprivileged or underrepresented populations.

William H. Michener Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by former Professor William H. Michener, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Joseph W. Miles Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Margaret Rudnay, Class of 1928, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Charles D. Miller Scholarship

The income from this fund is awarded annually to an eligible student demonstrating financial need.

Dannie O. Miller, Class of 1984, Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by the friends and classmates of Dannie O. Miller, Class of 1984, is used to provide scholarship assistance for eligible minority students.

Miller Family Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Lewis Miller, Class of 1941, is used to provide scholarship assistance for deserving students in need of financial assistance who bear the surname Miller. In years in which there are no qualified students with the surname Miller, the scholarship may be awarded to other deserving students in need of financial assistance.

Frank P. Miller Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by family, friends, and alumni in memory of Frank P. Miller, Class of 1907, is used each year for a scholarship awarded by the President to the man or woman, preferably from Meadville or Crawford County, Pennsylvania, who shows promise in scholarship, leadership, and character, and whose finances are such that he or she would not be able to afford the cost of an Allegheny education without assistance. It is renewable for one year on the basis of all-around performance in college.

Mary E. Miller Foreign Missionary Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mary E. Miller, is used to provide financial assistance to students preparing for foreign mission work under the United Methodist Church.

Noble G. Miller Fund

The income from this fund, established by Noble G. Miller, Class of 1861, is used to provide financial assistance for eligible students at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid.

Robert T. Miller Scholarship Fund

An annual gift from the trust established through a bequest of John A.W. Miller, in memory of his father, the Reverend Robert T. Miller, this fund provides scholarships annually for deserving and needy students, subject to certain qualifications specified in the will.

Miller Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Ben F. Miller, Jr., Class of 1907, and Ethel Moore Miller, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

James R. Mills Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Mrs. Benjamin Sharpsteen, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Flora J. Mitchell Fund

The income from this fund, established by Flora J. Mitchell, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

John H. Moore, Class of 1911, and Beatrice Moore Wise, Class of 1915, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Beatrice Moore Wise, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Moreton Perry Student Relief Fund

The income from this fund, established by R. Bruce Perry and Beverly Perry, both from the class of 1954, provides support for students who have experienced a sudden change in family circumstances that have resulted in an increased need for financial aid.

Morgan/Kettring Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in honor of R. Christy Morgan and Donald D. Kettring, is used to provide scholarship assistance for students who have demonstrated financial need and are in good academic standing. Preference is given to female students who have a demonstrated record of leadership and/or community service.

Paul C. Morrison ’61 and Barbara T. Morrison ’63 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Barbara T. Morrison, Class of 1963, in honor of her husband, Paul C. Morrison, Class of 1961, shall provide scholarship support for eligible students.

S. John Morrow Student Loan Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide financial assistance for eligible students at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid.

Thelma Karlen Moss, Class of 1930, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Thelma Karlen Moss, Class of 1930, by her husband, T. Willmont Moss, Class of 1930, is used to provide scholarship assistance to promising and eligible students who are seniors planning graduate work in library science, upper-class students majoring in Romance languages or students who are residents of McKean County, Pennsylvania.

Mu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Mu Cottage Club of Kappa Alpha Theta, Inc., is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students, with preference, when possible and feasible, to members of Kappa Alpha Theta.

Maude Kepler Mueller Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Scott Mueller and Edwin H. deConingh, in honor of Maude Kepler Mueller, Class of 1892, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students who have demonstrated talent in the field of music.

Henry M. and F. Grace Muller Endowment Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest, is used to provide scholarships for worthy students with demonstrated need. Preference is given to students preparing for a career in the medical field.

M. Lucille Muntz, Class of 1943, Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of M. Lucille Muntz, Class of 1943, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students.

Frank E. Murphy, Jr. Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mrs. Frank E. Murphy, Sr. in memory of her son, is used to provide scholarship assistance for a worthy senior man.

John F. Murray Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. John F. Murray, is used to provide scholarship assistance to sons and daughters of ministers of the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church and students within the bounds of the Conference studying for the Methodist ministry. Recipients are recommended by the Western Pennsylvania Conference Board of Ministerial Training.

Robert B. Murray Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Weltha Murray in memory of her husband, Robert B. Murray, Class of 1866, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Kitty Crawford Mustio Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Thomas E. Mustio, Class of 1953, in memory of his wife, Kitty Crawford Mustio, Class of 1952, is used to provide scholarship assistance to a student whose life purpose is to engage in religious work.

Eugene Arter Myers Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible active members of Theta Chi fraternity. The recipient is to be selected by the fraternity’s financial officers and approved by the President of the College.

Mylan Charitable Foundation Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship support for eligible sophomore, junior and senior students who have declared (or intend to declare) a major in chemistry. Preference shall be given to students from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania or West Virginia.


Richard W. Neithamer and Jeanette B. Neithamer Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by David R. Neithamer and Elizabeth M. Neithamer, in honor of David’s parents, Richard W. Neithamer, Class of 1951, and Jeanette B. Neithamer, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Christine Scott Nelson Study Abroad Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Christine Scott Nelson, Class of 1973, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students in Allegheny approved study abroad programs.

Walter Scott Nettrour IV, M.D. Class of 1987, Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by family, friends, and classmates in memory of Walter Scott Nettrour IV, Class of 1987, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students from North Allegheny High School or the greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area.

The Florence Sheehan Newton Scholarships

The income from this fund, established through the estate of Florence Sheehan Newton ’26, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Effie M. Noyes Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by Effie M. Noyes, is used for students preparing for the ministry in foreign fields.

Adam Clark Nutt Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by Joseph R. Nutt in memory of his father, Adam Clark Nutt, Class of 1861, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.


O’Connor Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Sue O’Connor Idleman, Class of 1955, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible upper-class students.

Odd Fellows Home of Western Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of Northwest Pennsylvania, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students from the thirteen northwestern Pennsylvania counties.

Frederick B. Odell Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Frederick B. Odell, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Edith Mead Osborne Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Edith Mead Osborne, provides an annual scholarship for an individual who shows marked musical ability, talent or direction in voice, piano, or organ. The recipient is selected in consultation with the Music Department.


Sophia Papenhagen Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to an eligible female Christian student.

Parsons Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Ella A. Parsons, as a memorial to Dr. Moses N. Crow, Class of 1840, uncle of Ella Parsons; John E. Parsons, her husband; and Seneca Freeman, her father, is used to provide scholarships for graduates of the Cameron County High School. If there are no eligible graduates from Cameron County High School, the scholarship may be awarded to other residents of Cameron County or elsewhere in Pennsylvania.

Gordon Patterson, Class of 1919, Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Gordon D. Patterson, Jr., Class of 1945, in memory of his father, Dr. Gordon D. Patterson, Sr., Class of 1919, is used to assist a person (or persons) to attend Allegheny who could not otherwise go to college. Preference will be given to students from northwestern Pennsylvania.

Gordon Derby Patterson Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Dr. Gordon D. Patterson, Jr., Class of 1945, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students majoring in the sciences.

Lena Derby Patterson and Gordon Derby Patterson Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Gordon D. Patterson, Jr., Class of 1945, in memory of his grandparent Lena Derby Patterson, and father, Gordon Derby Patterson, Class of 1919, in order to encourage students in the sciences, is used to provide scholarship assistance for eligible students majoring in sciences, such as chemistry, physics, or biology.

Lena Derby Patterson Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Dr. Gordon D. Patterson, Sr., Class of 1919, is used to assist a person (or persons) to attend Allegheny who could not otherwise go to college. Preference is given to a member of a Meadville, Pennsylvania area family.

Mike and Judy Patton Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Michael A. Patton, Class of 1968, and Judith A. Patton, Class of 1970, provides scholarship support for eligible recipients. Preference is given to students from underrepresented populations with demonstrated financial need.

Jeffrey Pendleton ’85 and Evelyn Nedved Pendleton ’87 Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Jeffrey S. Pendleton, Class of 1985, and Evelyn N. Pendleton, Class of 1987, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Mary and Peter Peterson ’59 Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by W. Peter Peterson, Class of 1959, provides scholarship support for needy students.

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur William Phillips Pre medical Student Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by the Dr. and Mrs. Arthur William Phillips Charitable Trust, is used to provide scholarship assistance to pre medical students, with preference given to residents of Crawford, Clarion, Forest, Venango, Butler, Warren, and Mercer Counties in Pennsylvania.

A. W. Phillips Charitable Trust Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by the Dr. and Mrs. Arthur William Phillips Charitable Trust, is matched by the College on a one to one basis and is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students from northwestern and western Pennsylvania, with preference given to residents of Crawford, Clarion, Forest, Venango, Butler, Warren, and Mercer Counties in Pennsylvania.

PNC Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Pittsburgh National Bank, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Pennbank Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship support to eligible students.

Frederick Porkolab ’68 and Margaret Ragni Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Frederick L. Porkolab ’68 and Margaret V. Ragni, provides scholarship support for eligible students with preference given to students who attended public high schools in Northwest Pennsylvania.

James Amberson Porter and Elizabeth Dorothy Porter Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund is awarded annually to any male or female resident of Meadville, Pennsylvania, who is recognized as an outstanding student in the senior class of Meadville Area High School. The student is to be selected by a popular vote of the students of the senior class of Meadville Area High School and approved by the College.

Helen Fry Pounds, Class of 1924, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by a gift from Helen Fry Pounds, Class of 1924, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Fay Seeley Powell Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Fay Seeley Powell, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Lynn Pyle Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Robert C. Pyle in memory of his sister, Lynn Pyle ’65, will be used to provide scholarship assistance to a student who has contributed to the College community through continuing participation in a variety of college activities.


Reader’s Digest Foundation Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Reader’s Digest Foundation, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

David Holmes Reiley, Class of 1965, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in honor of David Holmes Reiley ’65 by Betty Holmes Reiley, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible English majors, with preference given to students who come from Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Preference will also be given to students who are interested in journalism or the ministry.

Henry B. Reiley, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established in memory of the Reverend Henry B. Reiley, Class of 1937, by his immediate family, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students from Somerset County, with preference given to students with outstanding academic ability. If the College is unable to award this scholarship, the funds will be used to support student internships in the Somerset County area.

Ronie and David Reiley Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Ronie Reiley, Class of 1966, and David Reiley, Class of 1965, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students from Somerset County, with preference given to students with outstanding academic ability. If the College is unable to award this scholarship, the funds will be used to support student internships in the Somerset County area.

Jochen Richter Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Max Kade Foundation, Inc., in memory of Professor of German Jochen Richter, is used to defray educational expenses for eligible students studying abroad. Preference is given to students who are studying in Germany or other German-speaking countries.

Charles A. ’74 and Martha A. Rini Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Charles A. Rini, Class of 1974, and his wife, Martha A. Rini, is used to provide scholarship assistance to deserving students.

Agnes Petruso Ritchey ’58 Scholarship Endowment

This fund was established by Thomas F. Ritchey, in memory of his wife, Agnes Petruso Ritchey, Class of 1958. The income from this fund provides scholarship support for eligible students. Preference is given to students with demonstrated financial need from Western Pennsylvania who are majoring or minoring in History or Political Science or who are minoring in Education Studies.

John V. Ritts Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, established by John V. Ritts, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students from Butler County, Pennsylvania. If there are no eligible students from Butler County, the income may be used for students from Clarion County, Pennsylvania, or adjoining counties.

Francis and Judith Rivette New York State Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Francis “Ric” Rivette ’74 and Judith LaManna Rivette, provides scholarship support for eligible students who reside in the state of New York.

Phoebe Kay Rodgers Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through an estate gift from Glenn C. Rodgers, provides scholarship support for eligible students with preference given to students from Meadville, Pennsylvania.

Max E. Roha and Mary Chapman Roha, Class of 1944, Chemistry Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Max E. Roha, Class of 1944, provides scholarship support for eligible students. Preference is given to rising juniors and seniors who are majoring in chemistry.

William G. Ross ’61 Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by William G. Ross, Class of 1961, provides general scholarship support for eligible students.

Nancy Warren Rylander, Class of 1949, Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Nancy Warren Rylander, Class of 1949, by her husband, Gustave Rylander, Jr., Class of 1949, her family and many friends, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.


Tom and Mary Sadvary Endowed Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Thomas J. Sadvary, Class of 1975, and Mary Tegley Sadvary, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Anthony Sanzo ’76 Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Anthony M. Sanzo, Class of 1976, and Kathy A. Sanzo, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Linda K. Savor Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Frank Savor and Linda K. Savor, provides scholarship support for eligible students. Preference is given to students from Ohio and Pennsylvania who plan to pursue a career in the medical field.

Julia Schoenfeld Scheeline Fund

The income from this fund, established by Julia S. Scheeline, Class of 1897, is awarded to an eligible student on the nomination of the Altoona High School Alumni Association in Pennsylvania.

John J. Scheiring Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Marie E. Scheiring in memory of John J. Scheiring, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Albert E. and Bessie K. Seidel Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Bessie K. Seidel in memory of her husband, Albert E. Seidel, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students who have demonstrated financial need.

Sesnick Family Music Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Joan M. Sesnick, Class of 1959, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible music students, with preference given to sophomore students or previous recipients of this scholarship who are studying music in the areas of voice, piano or organ.

Mrs. E. Barnier Shaw Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mrs. E. Barnier Shaw, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid.

R. William Shaw, Class of 1926, and Charlotte T. Shaw Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students. Preference is given to juniors and seniors concentrating in astronomy, physics, geology, or the humanistic interpretation of these disciplines.

Nancy Sheridan – Allegheny College Association Continuing Education Scholarship

Offered to women 25 years of age or older who are residents of Crawford County and who have not completed more than two years of college. Three scholarships are awarded annually through an application available from the ACA Scholarship Committee Chairperson. Scholarships entitle recipients to tuition costs for up to three courses in one year, plus a stipend. Additional funding for this program is provided through the Kappa Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta in memory of Dr. Edith Rowley, Class of 1905, former librarian and dean.

Sheridan Pulwer Student in Distress Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mitchell Pulwer ’75 and Michol Sheridan ’77, provides emergency scholarship support for eligible students who have experienced a sudden change in family circumstances that have resulted in an increased need for financial assistance.

Nelle Sherred Seneff Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Jeanette Seneff in memory of her mother, Nelle Sherred Seneff, Class of 1899, is used to provide scholarship assistance to worthy students majoring in mathematics.

Mary C. Silliman Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mary C. Silliman, is used to provide scholarship assistance to young men.

Marie Charlton Skelly, Class of 1922, Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Marie Charlton Skelly, Class of 1922, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible third-year female students.

Larue F. Smith, Class of 1907, Educational Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Larue F. Smith, Class of 1907, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

William Schaffer Smith ’61 and Sandra Kenyon Smith ’62 Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Sandra Kenyon Smith, Class of 1962, in memory of her husband William Schaffer Smith, Class of 1961, provides scholarship support for eligible students. Preference shall be given to students enrolled in the pre-law program or considering a career in teaching.

Lynn C. and R. K. “Buck” Smith Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Robert K. “Buck” Smith, Class of 1965, and Lynn C. Smith, Class of 1966, provides scholarship support for rising juniors and seniors who are majoring in economics or business.

Thomas C. Smyth and Arline Smyth Quinn Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund established through a bequest of Arline Smyth Quinn, Class of 1927, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students of high academic merit.

James H. Spalding ’80 Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by James H. Spalding, Class of 1980, provides support for eligible students.

Mary McCrory Spaulding, Class of 1960, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Mary McCrory Spaulding, Class of 1960, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students from Crawford County with documented financial need.

Spence Family Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Cedric L. Spence, Class of 1938, by his wife, Suzanne Haudenshield Spence, Class of 1940, and daughters, Sandra Spence, Class of 1963, Suzanne S. Miller, Class of 1966, and Priscilla S. Kinney, Class of 1968, is used to provide scholarship assistance to promising and eligible students.

Stackpole Hall Foundation Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible and worthy students from Elk County, Pennsylvania, to attend Allegheny.

Edward R. Stauffer Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in 1999 by Audrey Stauffer on behalf of her brother, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible upper-class students majoring in history and in good academic standing. Recipients are chosen by the Financial Aid Office in consultation with the Chair of the History Department.

Frederick and Marion Steen Mathematics Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by the children of Frederick and Marion Steen, will partially cover senior year tuition expenses for one selected student per year who is a natural science major. Further, the student will have demonstrated a strong understanding of and skills in the application of the principles of mathematics; the ability to communicate and enthuse others with the beauty of mathematics; and a commitment to put mathematics to purpose in a teaching, engineering or scientific profession.

Albertha Hood Stein Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Gladys M. Stein, is used to provide assistance for eligible and deserving students.

Gladys Marie Stein Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Gladys M. Stein, is used to provide assistance to students with disabilities of all kinds. If not needed for such purposes, the income from the fund will be allocated equally among the Albertha Hood Stein, Henry Stein, and Ralph Henry Stein Scholarships.

Henry Stein Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Gladys M. Stein, is used to provide assistance for eligible and deserving students.

Ralph Henry Stein Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Gladys M. Stein, is used to provide assistance for eligible and deserving students.

Homer E. Sterling Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dorothy S. Sterling in memory of her husband, Homer E. Sterling, Class of 1923, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Dr. John A. M. Stewart Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Dr. Stewart, is used to provide scholarship assistance to promising, eligible students in the junior or senior class.

Richard A. “Dick” Stewart ’56 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Lynn D. Lewis in honor of Dick Stewart’s many years of service to Allegheny College as a mentor, counselor, and friend to its students, is used to provide scholarship support for eligible students.

Stoltzenback Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Otto A. Stolz Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Pauline S. Robinson in memory of her father, Otto A. Stolz, Class of 1884, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Stover Family Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Hayes C. Stover and Patricia A. Stover, both members of the Class of 1962, is used to provide scholarship support to students with demonstrated financial need, with preference given to students who are residents of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; students with permanent home residence outside of the United States; or students from historically underprivileged or underrepresented populations.

Leonell C. Strong Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Wilson W. Strong, Jr., Class of 1965, and Dr. Sherry G. Westerland Strong, Class of 1965, is used to provide scholarship assistance to a student or students of Allegheny majoring in biology or who intend to attend medical, dental, or veterinary school. Recipients are selected primarily upon the basis of academic merit.

Student Memorial Scholarship Fund

An endowed fund for gifts in memory of students of Allegheny or alumni deceased within one year of graduation, the income from this fund is used to assist students with demonstrated financial need.

Sandra Waite Stupiansky and Nick Stupiansky Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mary Lou Waite, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible rising junior or senior students with a 3.0 grade point average or better having an ongoing record of community service and/or leadership working with children and families. The recipient of this award can be from any major.

Surdna Foundation Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Surdna Foundation, is used to provide scholarship support to eligible students.

Florence Downing Sutton, Class of 1916, Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Florence Downing Sutton by her friend Wayne Mayward, is used to provide scholarship aid to promising and eligible students who are majoring in the physical sciences.

Nancy Lea Sutton Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Nancy Lea Sutton, Class of 1944, is used to provide scholarship assistance each year for an eligible and worthy student who has completed the first year of study at Allegheny and who has participated with distinction in one of the College’s authorized student extracurricular activities.

Robert L. Sutton Jr. Economic Development Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Robert L. Sutton, Jr., Class of 1963, in honor of Dr. Edward L. Sutton and Dr. John B. Henderson, is used to provide scholarship support for eligible students interested in pursuing managerial economics studies related to economic development.

David Scowden Swaney Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by William S. Swaney in memory of his father, who was a member of the Class of 1897, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Dr. Austin D. Swanson ’52 and Marilyn J. Peterson Swanson ’53 Scholarship

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Dr. Austin D. Swanson ’52, is used to provide scholarship support to students with a demonstrated financial need.

Kenneth Swanson Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Kenneth A. Swanson, Class of 1948, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Art and Betz Swanson Endowed Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by the children of Arthur A. Swanson, Jr., Class of 1937, and Mary E. Carothers Swanson, Class of 1939, provides scholarship support for eligible students with preference given to students from the Chautauqua Region of New York.

Swartley Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Stanley Simpson Swartley, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible male students.

L. Lloyd Swisher Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. L. Lloyd Swisher, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.


William F. Tamplin ’35 and Mary A. Miller Tamplin ’35 Endowed Study Abroad Fund

The income from this fund, established by William F. Tamplin and Mary Agnes Miller Tamplin, both of the Class of 1935, is awarded to a rising junior or senior student involved in campus and/or community activities with a grade point average of 3.0 or above to help defray the expenses of studying abroad.

Taylor-Ward Scholarship Fund

This fund, established by Marion Ward, Class of 1951, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Laura Temple Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Laura Temple, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Isabella Thoburn Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Isabella Thoburn, Class of 1914, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Winfield S. Thomas Fund

The income from this fund, established by Winfield S. Thomas, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students preparing for Christian service.

Arthur Webster Thompson Fund

The income from this fund, established by Judith L. Thompson in memory of her husband, Arthur Webster Thompson, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students from Titusville, Pennsylvania.

Tillotson Fleming Family Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Carol Hefren Tillotson, Class of 1954, and Kimberly T. Fleming and Curtis D. Fleming, parents of two Allegheny graduates, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

Patricia Bush Tippie Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Mrs. Henry B. Tippie, Class of 1956, is used to provide scholarship assistance to graduating seniors from New Castle High School in Pennsylvania. Recipients of these four-year scholarships are selected by a committee consisting of New Castle’s superintendent, high school principal, and President of the Board of Education, in conjunction with the College’s Office of Financial Aid. Selection is based on financial need, desire for higher education, and grade point average. Preference is given to students planning to pursue business as a career.

Carolyn Horner Tippins Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Tippins Foundation, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students with demonstrated financial need.

Titusville Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by residents of Titusville, Pennsylvania, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students from Titusville, Pennsylvania.

True Gentlemen Endowed Scholarship

The income from this fund, the True Gentlemen Endowed Scholarship, established by this Chapter, provides scholarship support for students in good academic standing, who are active in extracurricular activities and who exhibit leadership qualities.

The alumni of the Chapter establish this fund in the spirit of its mission statement, the True Gentlemen, which, with gender modification follows. “The True Gentlemen is the person whose conduct proceeds from good will and an acute sense of propriety, and whose self-control is equal to all emergencies; who does not make the poor person conscious of their poverty, the obscure person of their obscurity, or any person of their inferiority or deformity; who are themselves humbled if necessity compels them to humble another; who does not flatter wealth, cringe before power, or boast of their own possessions or achievements; who speaks with frankness but always with sincerity and sympathy; whose deed follows their word; who thinks of the rights and feelings of others, rather than their own; and who appears well in any company, a person with whom honor is sacred and virtue safe.”

Jennifer M. Tsangaris, Class of 1993, Memorial Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in memory of Jennifer Marie Tsangaris, Class of 1993, is awarded annually, in consultation with the appropriate departments, to eligible students majoring in psychology, biology, or neuroscience. Preference will be given to students who are graduates of Elizabeth Forward High School, in Pennsylvania or members of Allegheny’s Alpha Chi Omega sorority. The fund is made possible by Jennifer’s friends and family and by her sisters of Alpha Chi Omega sorority.

Phebe Tyler Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established through a bequest of Phebe Tyler, is used to provide financial assistance to eligible students at the discretion of the Director of Financial Aid.


U.S. Steel Student Aid Fund

The income from this fund, established by a grant from the United States Steel Foundation, is used so that qualified students continue to benefit from the educational experience that Allegheny offers.


Veteran Appreciation Scholarship Endowment

The income from this fund provides scholarship support for veterans and children of veterans as an acknowledgment of the sacrifices they have made to the people of the United States of America.

Numa F. Vidal III Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by friends, relatives, and Delta Tau Delta fraternity in memory of Numa F. Vidal III, Class of 1952, is used to provide scholarship assistance to a promising man or woman from Lawrence or Mercer Counties in Pennsylvania or Mahoning County in Ohio with demonstrated financial need.

Alexander L. Vukmer Memorial Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by George Vukmer, Class of 1959, and Leona Vukmer, in memory of their grandson, Alex, provides scholarship support for eligible students.


Corinne M. Wahr Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Corinne M. Wahr, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students.

Malcolm Worden Waite Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Betty Mix Waite, Class of 1946, in memory of her husband, Malcolm Worden Waite, is used to provide scholarship assistance to outstanding students with demonstrated financial need. First preference is given to students enrolled in the 3 2 engineering program; second preference is given to students majoring in English.

Sean Ward Family Scholarship

The income from this fund, established by Sean Paul Ward, Class of 1989, provides scholarship support for Allegheny students.

Giles and Kate Wayland Smith Scholarship

The purpose of this fund, established by David S. Hill, Class of 1969, and his wife, Wilma provides scholarship support for eligible students. Preference shall be given to students who are majoring or minoring in Community and Justice Studies.

Louis A. Wells Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Allegheny alumni from the Cleveland area in memory of Louis A. Wells, Class of 1914, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students from the Cleveland area.

Western New York Scholarship Endowment

The income from this fund, established by Gary M. Brost and Willow Wilcox Brost, both from the Class of 1974, will provide scholarship support for eligible students. Preference shall be given to students from Erie County and Chautauqua County, New York.

Western Pennsylvania Conference Scholarship Fund

Provided by the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church, this scholarship is awarded annually to students from the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church who are preparing for the Methodist ministry.

Dr. Robert J. Westlake ’57 Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Dr. Robert J. Westlake, Class of 1957, provides scholarship support for eligible students.

R. Elaine Fleming Whan, Class of 1952, Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Glenn A. Whan in memory of his wife, Ruth Elaine Fleming Whan, Class of 1952, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible juniors and seniors interested in the advanced study of materials science. Preference is given to students concentrating in physical and analytical chemistry.

Grace Wheeler McClintock and David Hilton Wheeler Educational Trust

The income from this fund provides scholarship support for eligible students.

John D. Wheeler Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Margaret Seelbach Wheeler in honor of her husband, John D. Wheeler, Class of 1961, on the occasion of his birthday, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible students from northeast Ohio.

Lewis A. Wible Memorial Fund

The income from this fund, established by gifts from the Union Electric Steel Corporation and friends in memory of Lewis A. Wible, Class of 1942, who served as a Trustee of the College from 1961 to 1979, is used to provide scholarship assistance for eligible students.

Floyd A. Williams, Jr. Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established in 1987 by the Wild Wind Harvest Committee, is used to provide scholarship assistance to an eligible music student selected by the faculty of the music department. Preference will be given to students from Warren County, Pennsylvania.

Frank D. Williams and Clara R. Williams Scholarship

Established by their daughter, Miss Jessie A. Williams, Class of 1903, in memory of her parents, Frank and Clara R. Williams, income from the trust estate provides funds for college and graduate school scholarships for worthy and deserving students from Venango County in Pennsylvania. Priority is given to those students who elect to attend Allegheny.

Wolves Club of Meadville Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by the Wolves Club of Meadville, Pennsylvania, is used to provide scholarship assistance to eligible incoming freshmen who are residents of Crawford County, Pennsylvania, graduated in the top fourth of their high school class, and are enrolled full time in an undergraduate degree program at Allegheny.

George W. Wright Fund

The income from this fund, established by George W. Wright and awarded on the recommendation of Mr. Wright’s representative, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students from Mercer County.


Paul R. Zavarella Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by his friends, colleagues, and wife Jaci Zavarella, in memory of Paul Zavarella, Class of 1953, shall be used to provide financial aid to students who have achieved superior academic records or who manifest promise of outstanding academic success and who have a proven financial need. Preference shall be given to students currently living in Plum Borough, Pennsylvania. If no such students from Plum Borough qualify, the scholarship is to be awarded to a qualified student from Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

Wayne E. and Henrietta E. Zuck Scholarship Fund

The income from this fund, established by Wayne E. and Henrietta E. Zuck, is used to provide scholarship assistance to students preparing for the ministry.