Candidates for the Julian Ross Award for Excellence in Teaching
The number that appears beside each candidate’s name indicates the number of years they have been employed at Allegheny. Faculty whose names are listed in bold have previously received the Julian Ross Award and are not eligible for nomination.
Bailey, Courtney (19) Bakken, Christopher (23) Bensel, Terry (29) Bowden, Rich (33) Caballero, Soledad (21) Carswell, Brent (19) Chapp, Tim (11) Chowdhury, Monali (11) Clark, Rod (33) Coenen , Catharina (24) Cosdon, Mark (21) Deckert, Alice (26) Dresler, Adele (17) Eckstein, Lydia (11) Farrelly-Jackson, Steven (15) Ferrence, Matt (12) French, Lauren (22) Garcia, Ivy (15) Getschman, Betsy (23) Guldan, Beth (17) Harward, Brian (13) Haywood, Kalé (19) Hernandez, Wilfredo (23) Herrera, Teresa (18) Herrman, Jud (19) Hersh, Brad (14) Hollerman, Jeff (26) Hollerman, Jim (20) Humphreys, Tricia (15) Kapfhammer, Greg (23) Keeley, Mike (36) Kirschner, Shanna (14) |
Leech, Cheryl (17) Lewis, Briana (13) Lo Bello, Tony (46) Lombardi, Jamie (17) Lundberg, Chris (24) Mattiace, Shannan (24) Mehler, Michael (15) Murphree, Sean (24) Nelson, Margaret (26) Niblock, James (11) Nonnenmacher, Tom (27) Onyeiwu, Steve (22) Ormiston, Russ (13) Pallant, Eric (36) Palmer, Eric (29) Paulson, Lauren (14) Persichini, P.J. (23) Petasis, Doros (24) Pinnow, Ken (24) Riess, Barbara (24) Shaw, Barbara (14) Sinha Roy, Ishita (22) Waggett, Caryl (20) Weir, Rachel (19) Werner, Caryn (22) Wesoky, Sharon (25) Whitenack, Lisa (13) Wiebel-Silva, Vesta (19) Wiebel-Silva, Jon (12) Willey, Dan (34) Wu, Guo (17) |
Candidates for the Thoburn Award for Excellence in Teaching
The number that appears beside each candidate’s name indicates the number of years they have been employed at Allegheny. Faculty whose names are listed in bold have previously received the Thoburn Award and are not eligible for nomination.
Alkyam, Sami (4)
Bertholomey, Megan (3) Bethurem, Matt (7) Betush, Matt (10)
Bianco, Tim (5) Bloeser, Andy (10) Bonham-Carter, Oliver (7) Bradshaw-Wilson, Casey (10) Brand, Heather (8) Buckner, Sarah (2) Burleigh, Paula (5) Byrnes, Delia (3) Carbone, Ian (9) Conners, Thomas Dawson, Becky (10) Delgado, Dara (3) Devries, Melody Finaret, Amelia (8) Finaret, Christopher (6) Franz, Jennifer (6) Graber, Emily Green, Morgan Hart, Alexis (10) Hilal, Reem (10) Holmes, Lauren |
Houtz, Jennifer
Jumadinova, Janyl (10)
Kadmiel, Mahita (4) Keysor, Angela (8) Krone, Adrienne (7) Kurtsal Steen, Irem (6) Ludewig, Julia (7) Luman, Doug (4) Miller, John (8) Miller, Brian (7) Normile, Christopher (3) Oliver, Rebecca (4) Pearce, Kelly (4) Pickering, Ryan (9) Ribeiro, Alyssa (8) Slote, Susan (10) Sun, Xiaohan Swann-Quinn, Jesse (3) Thomas, Ian (10) Tompkins, Joe (10) Venesky, Matt (10) Votava, Jennie (10) Warren, Kristen Williams, Tarah (5) Yusuf, Aisha |