Current In The Creek

Creek Connections EcoCareer Cards

Please follow the above link to the full set of our EcoCareer cards to explore the MANY careers in the outdoors, science and the environment!

Our goal is for students to be inspired by the many career options AND to be able to picture themselves in a science-related career by seeing lots of different people.

YOU can be featured as well! Submit your information to be on our next EcoCareer card here:

Student Feedback on Creek Connections

Teacher, please have your students complete BOTH the before and after project feedback forms. This is valuable information required by our funders and important for shaping the work we do. We are always striving to improve our program and to stay relevant to your curriculum and objectives.

Student responses are confidential. If student name is provided, it will only be used to provide teacher with the information. Name will not be associated with answers.

BEFORE Feedback – online form

BEFORE Feedback – paper form 2 per page, print and cut to save paper (please send completed copies to Creek Connections)


AFTER Feedback – online form

AFTER Feedback – paper form (please send completed copies to Creek Connections)

RAIL Project – do more with Macroinvertebrates

Keith Piccard from Grand Valley State University in Michigan participates in Creek Connections with 6th graders at Allendale Public Schools.  He and his colleagues have developed the Riparian Integrated Learning Project (RAIL) that uses macroinvertebrate data you collect at your stream.  Find the information, datasheets and more on the website:

**Updated 2023 with App in addition to the website!

R.A.I.L. Project App

R.A.I.L. Project App Walk Thru on YouTube

R.A.I.L. Project Educational Resources