Samuel Flowers

Reconsidering Abraham Lincoln:
Reevaluating the Legacy of America’s Sixteenth President


Abraham Lincoln is a man of many varying images and legacies. He is a very controversial figure who is talked about often. One area of controversy that is talked about even to this day is Lincoln’s legacy. There are many different variations of Lincoln’s legacy that range from those who view him positively, those who view him negatively, and everything in between. Some of the images and ideas about Lincoln that are not as black and white are sometimes overlooked. It is these images and ideas that make up a better legacy for Lincoln. By viewing Lincoln as a man with both great faults and great achievements a more realistic legacy for our Sixteenth President can begin to take shape. Lincoln’s legacy should be approached in a more realistic manner because it is built upon the fact that while he did great things in office, he was just as human as the rest of us resulting in many mistakes as well.

Thesis Advisor:  I. Binnington