Students requiring financial assistance to conduct research (individually or in collaboration with History faculty), visit archives, purchase microfilm or copy primary source materials, etc. may receive funding from the Paula A. Treckel History Department Fund and the Kenneth K. Robertson ’65 Fund. Both are administered through the Department of History. In an effort to support multiple research projects, total funding for each application does not exceed $500. Per Treckel and Robertson guidelines, funding can cover no more than two-thirds of a single project and is currently restricted to History majors.
Additional financial support is available from the Class of 1939 Senior Research Fund through the Office of the Provost and Dean of the College.
Paula A. Treckel History Department Fund

The Paula A. Treckel History Department Fund was created by a former Professor of American History at Allegheny College. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial support for a student or students studying history to assist with research expenses related to class projects as well as the Senior Project in the Department of History. This fund is administered by the Chair of the Department of History.
Kenneth K. Robertson ’65 Fund

Ken Robertson ’65
The Kenneth K. Robertson ’65 Fund was created by a graduate of Allegheny College. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial support for a student or students studying history to assist with expenses related to the Senior Project. This fund is administered by the Chair of the Department of History.
An application for Treckel and Robertson funding should include an overview of the research project, an explanation of the research to be undertaken, and a budget. Contact the Chair of the History Department for additional information.
The Class of 1939 Senior Research Fund was established by the Class of 1939 on the occasion of its 50th reunion. The income from this fund shall be used to support student research in all departments in conjunction with the senior project. The fund is administered by the Provost and Dean of the College and the link to the application form can be found here. An application for funding should include an overview of the Senior Project, an explanation of the research to be undertaken, and a budget. Contact the Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty with questions.