Tip Tuesday: Using Labels in Google Keep

Labels can help keep your Google Keep notes organized. Here’s a quick introduction.

  1. In your browser, navigate to Google Keep.
  2. Open a note. Click on the three dots for the “More” menu.
    Sample note from Google Keep with the "More" menu open
  3. Choose Add label.
    Screenshot of the "Label note" menu from a Google Keep note
  4. You can search for an already existing label or scroll through the list, and then click on the label you want to apply. You can also type in a new label name and choose Create to apply the new label.
    Screenshot of the "Create" label menu in a Google Keep note
  5. Labels you use will show up on the lefthand side of the Google Keep window in a desktop browser. Clicking on the label will show all of your Keep notes containing that label.
    screenshot of the label side menu in Google Keep
  6. While editing a note, you can mouse over the label showing at the bottom of the note to have the option to remove the label.
    Screenshot of the "Remove label" option in Google Keep
  7. To edit a label name, scroll to the bottom of the list of labels in Google Keep and choose Edit labels.Screenshot of the "Edit labels" option in Google Keep

Learn more about labels and other ways to organize Google Keep notes.

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