Attisano, Marco A Case Study: Prophetic Dissents of the Supreme Court and How They Later Became Majority Views
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Devine, Kristine The Politics of Writing in Iran
Ham, Erin The Rise of Life Imprisonment Without Parole and the Diminishing Use of Death Penalty
Grande, Sean The Shifting Tide of Populism in Argentina: Peronism in the Classic and Neo-Liberal Eras
Kennison, Amanda Mexican Drug Trafficking: Past, Present, and Future
Leroy, Emerson Is the U.S. Restrictive Refugee Policy toward Haitian Migrants – Based on Their Characterization as Economic Refugees – Valid?
McMahon, Joe BCRA Attempts to Aide an Ailing Democracy: The Effects of BCRA on Participation in America
Perry, Samantha Desperate Housewives: Women of the Early Cold War Era
Roehling, Jesse The Diversity Interest within Higher Educational Institutions
Schonberg, Eric Characteristically Evil: A Personality Analysis of Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden
Sobolev, Sebastian Bridging the Policy Gap in the Caspian: Toward a U.S. Response to Russian Resurgence
Walrond, Christina American Intelligence Failure in the Case of A.Q. Khan
Whiteman, Beau The United States Supreme Court and the Clean Air Act