Fall 2013 Senior Composition Titles and Authors

Adame, Yvette Hometown Associations: An Emergent Civil Society in Mexico

Arop, Aurora Honor-Related Crimes against Women in South Asia: An International Humanitarian Law Perspective on Gender-Based Violence

Askey, Caitlyn Supreme Court Appointments: How the Senate Gained and Maintained Control

Beah, Grace  The Montgomery Bus Boycott: Martin Luther King and the People that Began a Revolution

Bishop, Seth  The Veto Pivot: A New Model of Assessing Presidential Unilateralism

DeLong, Sarah  The Missing Supreme Court

Hamerski, Marc James Chinese Maritime Territorial Conflicts and their Prospects for Violence with Foreign Nations

Kotelyanskii, Anton A Statistical Analysis of Insurgent Violence Against Civilians

Litz, Robert The Ascension of the National Guard: An Examination of the Chief of the National Guard’s Rise to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Lowmaster, Benjamin Warning Shot: Presidential Power through Signing Statements and Statements of Administration Policy

McNamee, Caitlyn Judicial Obedience to the Chevron Doctrine: A Strategic Analysis of Court Responses to EPA and SEC Decision-Making

Pineda, Kyle
The Federalist and the Rolusseauian Republican