Geology Major Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete a major in Geology are expected to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of: physical and chemical properties of the lithosphere and hydrosphere (minerals, rocks, soils, and water); geologic time and earth history; and crustal materials and dynamics in the context of plate tectonics theory;
- Demonstrate competence in fundamental geological skills including: mineral, rock, and soil identification; interpretation of topographic maps, geologic maps, and various forms of imagery; construction of geologic maps and cross sections; three-dimensional conceptualization; and collection of organized field and laboratory data;
- Demonstrate competence in quantitative data analysis including: the construction and reading of graphs; construction and use of spreadsheets; and application of mathematical skills (ranging from algebra to calculus) for analysis of geological systems;
- Make critical and independent inquiry in the geosciences including the ability to: gather and evaluate peer-reviewed literature; identify a research question; design and conduct a research plan to collect laboratory and/or field data; and interpret research results;
- Gain an understanding of the societal relevance of earth systems;
- Effectively communicate ideas, research results, and interpretations using written, oral, and graphical design skills on both a formal and an extemporaneous basis.
The Geology Major
At graduation, Geology majors are required to have a GPA of at least 2.0 in departmental courses and in those courses in other departments required for the Geology major. All required courses and electives taken at Allegheny on a letter-grade basis are included in the calculation, with the exception of repeated courses for which only the most recent grade counts. Majors need to secure the permission of the department chair to take required courses on a Credit/No Credit basis.
GEO 110 - Physical Geology
GEO 120 - Earth History and Evolution
FSGEO 201 - Field Geology
GEO 240 - Mineralogy
GEO 250 - Petrology
GEO 400 - Hydrogeology
GEO 410 - Sedimentology and Sedimentary Petrology
GEO 420 - Structural Geology
GEO 430 - Geochemistry
GEO 580 - Junior Seminar
Five of the Following Allied Courses:
CHEM 120 - Chemical Concepts 1
CHEM 122 - Chemical Concepts 2
MATH 141 - Calculus I with Precalculus, Part 2 OR
MATH 151 - Calculus I
MATH 152 - Calculus II
PHYS 101 - Fundamentals of Physics I OR
PHYS 110 - Core Concepts in Physics I
PHYS 102 - Fundamentals of Physics II OR
PHYS 120 - Core Concepts in Physics II
Senior Project:
GEO 600 - Senior Research Project I AND
GEO 610 - Senior Research Project II OR
GEO 620 - Senior Research Project
The department recommends that, where possible, students elect additional science courses in support of the major such as: BIO 220, an introductory Computer Science course, ENVSC 110, ENVSC 305, other 200-300 level Environmental Science courses, 300-level Geology courses, PHYS 121, or the sixth course not taken to fulfill item from "Five of the Following Allied Courses" above. A course in statistics such as BIO 385 or PSYCH 206 is also suggested.