Palestinian Growth From its Shared History with Zionism
This project focuses on the shared history between the Israeli and Palestinian people and covers how this history can define the steps that need to be taken to create a lasting peace going forward. Within this piece, the first chapter covers early Zionist history is covered in their development into a political force and how this was achieved with the help of changing ideological notions throughout the Western European and United States spheres. The second chapter covers the history of the dissolution of the Palestinian Mandate is covered by examining the perspectives of both the incoming Israeli people and the soon-to-be-displaced, Palestinian people. The third and final chapter covers the response of the international community to the crisis and friction between these peoples and what solutions were proposed to appease both peoples while acknowledging the ultimate failures of these solutions. This piece ends with an appraisal of this historical work and how it contributes to steps forward together for both the Israeli and Palestinian people.