Dalton Finnell ’17

I spent the Summer of 2014 working in my second home, Allegheny College. Let me tell you, a summer in Meadville is something each student should complete at least once. It makes Allegheny feel even more like home. During my summer, I worked as a Marketing Intern under Rachel Garza, the VP of Marketing and Communications, first in the Admissions building and now in the College Relations house next to the library. A few of my behind-the-scenes projects included creating the new Gator Guide websites and the new First-Year Profiles, both of which will be live when the new website releases. My favorite project was redoing the whole Gator Blogging Program from scratch. I pitched that we completely redo the whole program and I even went as far as creating the new manual that is being used. I am now the student lead on the program and I believe it has improved significantly since it’s rebirth. Gator Blogs will be easily accessible and featured when the new website releases as well.  However, my favorite time over the whole summer was spending the bright mornings during summer open houses with families and prospective students. I got to meet each family individually and talk to them. It was amazing to think that I was only in their shoes no more than 2 years ago. It makes me feel proud that Allegheny College would allow me to do all this work as a rising sophomore! I am currently still working with College Relations throughout the year and I can’t wait to see what’s next.