Auditions for Allegheny College Choral Ensembles
Please fill out the online Audition Sheet, and sign up online for an Audition Time.
Auditions consist of:
1) Vocalizing to check range
a. Simple descending and ascending patterns to find the upper and lower ends of your vocal range as well as the transition points between registers.
Tip: Sing boldly at the top and gently at the bottom – Don’t stop just because you’re beyond your best sound, but DO stop if you don’t like the way it feels.
(Don’t strain!)
2) Singing the first verse of Amazing Grace
a. Lyrics and sheet music are available. I’ll offer some piano accompaniment, and will probably ask you to repeat it in one or two higher or lower keys.
Tip: Practice in advance to be sure you are comfortable spitting out the words.
3) Pitch matching
a. I will play a series of four-note patterns on the piano and ask you to sing them back to me. They start off fairly simple, but they get tougher as you level up.
Tip: Listen carefully, but don’t try to hum along. Then sing them back without stopping to think or replay them in your mind.
4) Sight reading
a. Not everyone reads well, and that is seldom disqualifying. Don’t panic…
b. The reading can be broken down into three examples:
i. Rhythm only, which you can clap
ii. Pitches only, which you can sing on any syllable or system of your choosing
iii. Rhythm and pitch combined in a simple melody
c. In a live audition, I tend to help out with the piano or my voice. That’s harder to do remotely because of the time lag, so I can’t easily steer you back onto the road a split second after a wrong turn. The goal here, though, is to see what skills you exercise if the task is challenging. Remember that poise and patience are valuable too!
Tip: Do your best, but don’t stress. Understand that I am looking for what you do right – not counting your mistakes.