
Civic Symphony

    Director:  Dr. Michael Dolan (mdolan@allegheny.edu)
    Meeting Times:  Mon: 7:00-9:30pm, Shafer Auditorium
    Course Number:  MUSIC 110 (1 credit hour)

The Allegheny College Civic Symphony is a symphonic orchestra of approximately 50-60 students, faculty, staff, and community members. Membership is open by audition. The Civic Symphony performs one concert each semester, and serves as a parent ensemble for many of the instrumental chamber ensembles (Music 120’s). The Civic Symphony is active both semesters; the concert programs in the Spring semesters often revolve around a “theme.” The Civic Symphony carries one semester hour of academic credit. Questions regarding the Civic Symphony should be directed to Professor Michael Dolan in the Music Department.

Recorded Fall 2020 –
Allegheny College Civic Symphony High Rise by Adrian Gordon
Allegheny College Civic Symphony – Galop! by Brian Balmages

Past Concert Programs