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Spring 2022: Marine Biology (Bio 290)

Posted on October 12, 2021 | Filed under Archive

This post has been archived. Information below may be out of date and/or relate to a past event.

Are you interested in marine biology? Do you need to take Bio 220 for your major or minor? Dr. Whitenack is offering Bio 290 Marine Biology in Spring 2022 (Module 2). This course will examine many of the same topics as Bio 220, but with a focus on the marine realm. This course is geared toward students who are not pre-health and is appropriate for Biology and ESS majors and minors. Interested students should fill out this Google Form by November 1, as there are only 15 seats available and this is a signature course. Bio 290 will be counted as a substitution for the Bio 220 requirement for Biology majors and minors.