During the seventh summer of ACRoSS, 59 students, with 16 different majors (Art, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Communication Arts, Computer Science, English, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Geology, Global Health Studies, History, Neuroscience, Physics, Political Science, and Psychology), presented their summer research projects to an audience of faculty, students, administrators, and campus visitors. The average audience size was 120 for the ten weeks of ACRoSS presentations.
Link to ACRoSS poster symposium on July 18th, 2014
ACRoSS 2014 Schedule
Tues, June 10, 2014
Haley Englert (Biochemistry ’15) and Professor Ivelitza Garcia (Biochemistry and Chemistry) What happens, biochemically, when we chop-up the DEAD?
Amelia Redding (Neuroscience & Biology, ‘16), Chris Patrick (Neuroscience, ‘16), Trista Musich (Neuroscience & Psychology, ’16), and Professor Allison Connell Pensky (Psychology and Neuroscience) Visual and Haptic Cross-Modal Perception of Multiple Object Properties.
AJ Crofford (Biochemistry, ’15), Jordan Gaston (Biology, ’16), Michael Arcieri (Biochemistry, ’17), and Tricia Humphreys (Professor of Biology, Biochemistry, and Global Health Studies) Catalase and Cavities.
Tues, June 17, 2014
Megan Bart (Communication Arts ’15), Rachel DuChateau (Communication Arts ’16), and Professor Julie Wilson (Communication Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies) Taking Celebrity Seriously
Alex Simon (Biology ’15), Aydin Alikaya (Neuroscience ’15), and Professor Lauren French (Biology and Neuroscience) Summer Fun with Ion Channels and Crayfish Brains
Catherine LeBlanc (’17), Leah Thirkill (’17), and Professor Briana Lewis (Modern and Classical Languages) Gender and Vision in Victor Hugo’s Notre-Dame de Paris
Tues, June 24, 2014
Zachary Palmer (History ’15), Dalton Johnson (History ’15), and Professor Ian Binnington (History) Examining the 181 State Quarters you DIDN’T See: The Untold Stories of the ‘Greatest Educational Change America Has Ever Seen’!
Eric Conners (Biology ’16), Ryan Sherry (Biology ’15), Rob Paul (Biology ’15), and Professor Lisa Whitenack (Biology) Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: Biomechanics of Fish Heads and Salamander Jumps.
Sean Carney (Chemistry ’15), Bridgette McCauley (Chemistry ’15), Shawn Kennemuth (Chemistry ’16) and, Professor Alice Deckert (Chemistry and Biochemistry) Summer Fun with RNA, Porous Silicon and Silver Nanoparticles
Tues, July 1, 2014
Erica Salizzoni (Biology and Global Health Studies ’16), Alejandro Weil (Biology ’15), and Professor Becky Dawson (Global Health Studies and Biology) The Meadville Community Health Needs Assessment
Kelsey Keister (Neuroscience and Psychology’16), Tisha Smith (Undecided ’17), Alexa Mochan (Neuroscience and Psychology ’15), and Professor Rod Clark (Psychology and Neuroscience) Classical Conditioning of Up-regulation Functioning of TNF-Alpha III: Effects of Naltriben and SNC-80
Dejana Smajic (English ’15) and Professor Jennifer Hellwarth (Professor of English and Women’s Studies) Arabic and Hebraic Medicinal and Magical Remedies for the Sexual Body: Philosophy and Function
Tues, July 8, 2014
Julie Murone (Biology ’16), Joseph DeMarchi (Biology ’16), and Professor Matthew Venesky (Biology) Understanding the Relationship Between Stress Physiology and Disease Risk
Zachary Bauer (Physics ’15), Jordan Caldwell (Physics ’17), Kyle Donnelly (Physics ‘17), Stephen Milcarek (Physics ’15), Joseph Tonzo (Physics ’15), and Professor James Lombardi (Physics) Simulating the Collisions and Mergers of Celestial Bodies
Tues, July 15, 2014 (Quigley Auditorium)
Adam Zehren (English ’15) and Professor Courtney Bailey (Communications Arts) Beating the Media to the Punch: Warren Jeffs, Mormon Polygamy, and Post-homophobia
Kimberly Wolfe (Chemistry ’15) and Professor Mark Ams (Chemistry) The CH-pi Interaction
Tues, July 22, 2014 (Quigley Auditorium)
Amy Currul (Communication Arts ’17) and Professor Jon Wiebel (Communication Arts) Articulations of Immigration
Greg Singer (Studio Art ’15), Jonathan Yee (Undeclared ’17), and Darren Miller (Professor of Art) Organizing two exhibitions, ‘The Art of Persuasion’ and ‘Performing Blackness / Performing Whiteness;’ and summer studio work in the Baldwin Reynolds’ House
Karina Sarver (Biology ’16), Jillian Gallatin (Biology and Psychology ’16), Katelyn Nicewander (Neuroscience ’15), and Professor Caryl Waggett (Environmental Sciences and Global Health Studies) Healthy Homes – Healthy Children: Making all Homes in Pennsylvania Healthy Homes
Tues, July 29, 2014
Jeannie Choi (Biology ’17), Lindsey Shampoe (Political Science ’15), Professor Zach Callen (Political Science), and Dave Roncolato (Director of Community Service) The Value of Community Research
Andrea Sharfman (English ’15) and Professor Jim Bulman (English) Shakespeare’s Story in America
Willem Yarborough (Computer Science ’15) and Professor Janyl Jumadinova (Computer Sciences) Using Boolean Networks for Multi-Robot Environmental Monitoring
Tues, Aug 5, 2014
Heather Fish (Environmental Studies ’15), Hillary Krill (Environmental Studies ’15), and Professor Beth Choate (Environmental Sciences) Acid Rain and Pollinator Decline: What’s happening with our insect populations
Liz Profeta (Biology ’15), David Klodowski (Biology ’16), and Professor Margaret Nelson (Biology and Biochemistry) Proteins and Proportioning: A Protist’s Perspective
Alexander Bennett (English ’16), Karina Mena (Communication Arts ’16), and Professor Ishita Sinha Roy (Communication Arts) Theory into Practice: How do we learn through Studying Abroad?
Tues, Aug 12, 2014
Marie Takach (Geology ’16) and Professor Ron Cole (Geology) Volcanoes Are Elemental: Applications of the Scanning Electron Microscope For Chemical Analysis of Igneous Rocks from Alaska
Billy Chappel (English ’15), Heather Boseau (English ’17), and Professor Kate McIntyre (English) Researching Historical Fiction: Owain Glyndwr in 1404
Rachel Wood (Environmental Studies ’16), Jeremy Loewer (Communication Arts ’17), and Professor Joe Tompkins (Communication Arts) Research Academic Publishing: Developing an Open Access Journal