Meet the Writing Consultants

Allegheny’s writing consultants are a diverse, multidisciplinary group of undergraduates with rich interests and a shared passion for working with other writers. We look forward to getting to know you and your writing in the Maytum Center for Student Success.

Fall 2024 Lead Consultants

Olivia Monroe is a senior from Charlotte, North Carolina. She is an English major with minors in Education Studies and Music Theory. On campus, she is involved with the Wind Symphony and Students for Environmental Action, and you can catch her broadcasting on WARC 90.3 FM. In her free time, she enjoys reading, spending time outdoors, and making music with her friends.
Nickel Spartz is a junior majoring in Biochemistry and Spanish while also pursuing a Theatre minor. They chose to be a writing consultant after their own positive experiences with the writers in the success center. He is passionate about writing and intermittently uses his poetry journal as a creative outlet. They are currently working on a passion project assessing the use of creative writing in undergraduate liberal arts curricula. Along with his writing consultant work, Nickel is on the board of GFC, choreographs hip-hop pieces for Orchesis Dance Company, serves as a student representative on the curriculum committee, and is a gator guide for admissions

Fall 2024 Writing Consultants

Katie Wagner is a senior who grew up mostly in Southern California. She decided to become a Writing Consultant because it built upon previous experience informally tutoring her siblings, and formally holding tutoring positions in high school. In her opinion, helping people through tutoring is one of the best ways to connect with others. On campus, she is also a GFC volunteer, ASG senator, and a sister of ADPi. She is an English major with an Education Studies Minor.
Lexi Adams is a junior double-majoring in Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and Political Science. On campus, she is a Gator Guide and involved in the Law & Policy Program, College Democrats, and the Political Science Honor Society. When she’s not working or studying, you will find her, with friends, enjoying a lavender latte in GFC.
Luna Hammer is a senior from Erie, Pennsylvania. She is an Environmental Science & Sustainability major with an English minor. On campus, she is on the board of SEA and Knitting Club, the editor of the ESS Newsletter, and a GFC volunteer (and makes a mean matcha latte). In her free time, she enjoys watching movies, playing video games, spending time with friends, and hiking.
Desmond Corrado  Desmond Corrado is a senior from Pittsburgh, PA. He is completing a double major in Political Science and International Studies with a minor in Spanish. He joined the writing center because he enjoys learning about others’ ideas and coursework and helped writers find their voice. Outside of working at the writing center, he is a member of the Cross Country and Track teams, a GFC volunteer, and a member of the Law and Policy program.
Sophia Mita is a senior from Cleveland Heights, Ohio. She is studying biology with a minor in environmental writing. Sophia is on the Allegheny women’s tennis team, as well as a violinist in the Civic Symphony. She enjoys spending free time with friends and family.
Charlotte Allen is a senior from Rochester, NY. She is double majoring in Psychology and Global Health Studies. On campus, she is also involved with Alpha Delta Pi, Psi Chi, and the Honor Committee. In her free time, she enjoys reading, spending time with friends, and volunteering at Grounds for Change.
Peyton Bender is a junior majoring in English with a focus in Creative Writing and minoring in Behavioral Neuroscience. Outside of consulting, she volunteers at GFC, acts as a Senior Editor of The Allegheny Review, is the Junior Representative of the English Department, is a sister of Alpha Delta Pi, and is a member of the Outing Club. In her free time, she enjoys reading and writing poetry, eating ice cream, drinking coffee, and boxing.
Alyssa Klim is a sophomore majoring in Environmental Science, with her minor in English. She decided to join the Writing Consultants because of her drive to help students realize their potential as writers. She enjoys helping others feel confident in their writing. Alyssa is also involved with the Bird Club, Women’s Ensemble, and the Lambda Sigma honor society, as their secretary, on campus.