Research Seminar Series

Allegheny College Research Seminar Series (ACRoSS)

ACRoSS has become a flagship summer experience for all students and faculty members that are on campus during the summer. ACRoSS is an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of summer research projects developed by students and faculty at Allegheny College. Any students who participates in summer programming on campus (SFR Program, Office of Economic, Civic, & Community Engagement, or those working through an individual faculty grant), along with faculty researchers and community members, meet on a weekly basis to build community, eat lunch, and listen to brief updates about student summer projects. Each week, students present short overviews of their specific summer research projects (e.g., proposed experiments, data, anticipated results) to an audience of students, faculty, and administrators. We meet each Tuesday from noon until 1:30 PM in the Tillotson Room in the Tippie Alumni Center. Free lunch is provided!

Please use the toolbar to the right to view the schedule of events for the current summer (and previous summers).