Voice & Tone

The College’s publications, both print and digital, use a consistent voice that conveys our distinctive qualities as an institution.

But different mediums and audiences might call for a different tone — a social media post aimed at prospective students, for instance, might be more conversational in style than a brochure sharing details about a fundraising initiative.

The following overview is intended to provide a general set of guidelines for the language we use to share the Allegheny story with audiences, both internal and external.

Our Mission

Allegheny’s undergraduate residential education prepares young adults for successful, meaningful lives by promoting students’ intellectual, moral, and social development and encouraging personal and civic responsibility. Allegheny’s faculty and staff combine high academic standards and a commitment to the exchange of knowledge with a supportive approach to learning. Graduates are equipped to think critically and creatively, write clearly, speak persuasively, and meet challenges in a diverse, interconnected world.

Our Voice

The College’s communications should reflect and advance Allegheny’s distinguished place in higher education and its reputation as a dynamic learning environment. Our messaging should convey key elements of Allegheny’s identity:

  • Confident and ambitious, firmly rooted in our place among the country’s finest liberal arts colleges
  • Creative and inquisitive, driven by our commitment to innovating to build on our institutional strengths
  • Welcoming and approachable, reflecting our tradition of access for people from a wide range of backgrounds and with differing viewpoints