Zingale Financial Literacy Winners the Best in Competition History

The 2023 CBE competition saw three accomplished students enter financial plans that were not only technically correct, but realistic plans for life after graduation.  Three seniors led this years event winning prize money to help them get started on their next  adventure:

1st Place:  Reece Smith, $2,500

2nd Place:  Andrew Strobel, $1,500

3rd Place: Ochirsaikhan Davaajambal, $1,000

The next step for Zingale Financial Literacy winners is participation in the annual Pittsburgh Collegiate Financial Plan Competition scheduled for April 2024.  

The Financial Literacy Challenge, sponsored by Lance and Karen Zingale, is a competition in which students develop and submit a personal financial budget and investing plan appropriate for life after graduation.

Our special thanks to Lance and Karen Zingale for their generous support of this important program for Allegheny College students.

The Zingale Financial Literacy Challenge  is an event in which students develop a personal financial budget and investing plan appropriate for a recent college graduate. They can then choose to earn a certificate, academic credit and/or compete in the Challenge for cash prizes and trophies awarded to student winners.The Bruce R. Thompson Center for Business and Economics (CBE) prepares Allegheny College students to succeed in a diverse, global economy.