Course Information
- Allegheny geology student handbook
- Junior seminar and comp model guidelines
- Senior project guidelines
- Senior Project Schedule
- Advice for choosing a senior project topic
- Geology Dept. scientific writing, presentation, and reading guidelines
After Graduation – Jobs and Graduate School
- Planning ahead – pathway through Senior year
- Tips for writing a resume
- Allegheny College Office or Career Services
- Choosing a graduate school
- Graduate school application process
- Resources for Geology Students Through the Office of Career Services
Effective Communication
- Geology Dept. scientific writing, presentation, and reading guidelines
- Poster Preparation Guide (USGS Open-File Report 88-667)
- Scientific Posters Quick Reference Guide (George Hess, 1999, Forestry Dept., NC State Univ.)
- Poster Preparation Using Powerpoint (Rich Scott, Biomedical Unit, Washington State University)
- Tips and Techniques for Great Presentations
- Effective PowerPoint Presentations
- PowerPoint Tips (Dept. of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, Colorado State University)
Funding Opportunities for Student Research
- Allegheny Dean of College Funds
- Geological Society of America
- Prof. William H. Parsons, Emeritus Endowed Fund
- Sigma Xi
Library Resources
- GeoScience World (e.g. GeoRef search engine; Geological Society of America journals, etc.)
- Elsevier journals (e.g. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Marine Geology)
- Springer journals (e.g. Bulleting of Volcanology, Water Resources)
Professional Organizations
- Geological Society of America ($30/year includes full electronic journal access, meeting discounts, grant opportunities)
- American Geophysical Union ($7/year includes EOS a weekly publication with scientific articles and current events)