Safety Reminders

Title IX Reporting Form Download the Omnilert app
Public Safety Website Emergency Guides


  • Trust your instincts. If you feel unsafe, get to a safe place and call for help. We encourage the use of any campus blue light phone, the Omnilert app, or call 814-332-3357.
  • Report all suspicious persons and activities to Public Safety or to local law enforcement immediately.
  • Let friends know where you are going and what time you expect to arrive/depart.


  • Remain alert to what’s going on around you. You should consider only wearing one earbud for example, turning off any feature that filters out background noise, and minimizing distractions such as personal electronic devices.
  • Avoid traveling alone at night. Use the “buddy system” and watch out for fellow students.
  • Consider contacting Public Safety at 814-332-3357 for a walking escort.
  • If you feel uneasy about a situation, trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events.
  • Get help for those who need it. Remember that being a part of our community means that we help each other when we are in need.
    • The College’s Good Samaritan Policy allows you to call for help for a fellow student who is in need of medical attention without the fear of College disciplinary action. Be sure to call for help if you see someone in need.
    • PA has its own Good Samaritan Law which offers legal protection, or immunity, to those who seek medical attention for someone experiencing a drug-related overdose and consequently may be at risk of arrest, charge or prosecution for drug-related crimes.


  • Avoid letting persons you do not know piggyback into a house, residence hall, or other building.
  • Don’t prop doors open, let strangers or others who do not have access to your building in, or weaken other security measures.
  • Keep your doors locked whenever you find yourself alone in a building.
  • Close and lock your door when you will be away from your room and at night.
  • Report broken locks, doors, windows, and lights so they can be repaired.
  • Report lights that are out and any hazardous conditions immediately to Physical Plant at 814-332-5378.